1/2 filipino 1/2 australian with german decent... born and raised in sydney... typical cancerian... very family and friends orientated... i looooove my little sis... account manager... sarcastic... friendly... open minded... emotional... sensitive... positive thinker... will lean towards the brighter side of things... laid back... loves to laugh... loves to joke... will make fun of you... makulit... childish... is a complete thinker... always up to try new things atleast once... takes looong showers... can't take cold showers in the philz... hates going to work... loves taking sick days... eats pork shomai and wonton noodle soup... drinks jack daniels or a san mig light... winfield light blues... dark chocolate (or milk, or white)... prefers wearing sneakers... loves to travel... holidays... loves the phils... likes girls with tatts... loves flirting... jetskiing... sports cars... football and basketball... loves it when ghost stories freak me out... very much into old skool r&b... parties... clubs... pubs... coffees... shopping... hanging out with mates... watching live bands... going to concerts... attending all kind of sport events... watching movies... horror movies... watching dvds... watching tv... sleeping in... hugs a pillow while sleeping... doesn't read books... skims through magazines... music is everything... ipod listener... favoutrie animal: white tigers... wants either a siberian husky or an alaskan malamute... up for lazy nites in but at the same time up for crazy nites out... believes that being a father one day will be the joy of my life... I live by the motto that everything happens for a reason and you just find out the reason later on...
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