The Last Resort, adrenaline rush adventure, spur of the moment getaway, fine tracks, sunset, day break, My Dork, downtown to poshville fashion , jitters, hearty laugh, lingering glance, worthwhile conversations from serious down to crazy senseless talks, them!!!, indispensable checkered band-aids :P, driving in solitude with my tunes playing endlessly, diversified distinct personalities, anything that makes me high naturally or otherwise lolz
Interesting people. I don't go for numbers, i'd rather have a few of those constant real friends. In this regard, please don't expect me to add you up if im just gonna be a number in your list and vice-versa. So think it over before you send me a message asking me to add you up, alryty :)The Killers - Mr. Brightside (Jacques Lu Cont's Thin White Duke Mix)
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R&B, reggae, alternative rock, chill out, house
Wicker park
That's so Raven
no one! though i got my angels namely au and dork:)