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thee radical eclectic

One water, one air, one earth...

About Me

Living sincerely and always becoming more aware how to embrace the chaos in this day and age... as for the future... i think we have to learn to be co-creators together if we want some decent lasting change

How i continue to expand my field of compassion in this world of so many people with so many feelings is beyond my comprehension... the important part is just to continue because Life is all that matters.

i mean well by all of you but i will not honor anything less than lasting value in this process called my life

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i would like to say that i am not in the habit of living my life in a manner which allows me to simply meet someone and then till them under for compost ... my apologies if somehow i am not organized enough to honor all that passes

i dont make shit of people in this world even if they do that to themselves.... i can see that everyone has great soul potential and some gift of nature even if the fine tuning and points of consistency are lost

i have not had the chance to personally converse with Brian Eno yet... that would be lovely... i think a few more visits with Ian MacKaye might help refine my ideas about social ideology in action and then i would gladly move on to focus on the values and methods found in this lifestyle here:i am considering beginning work with builders in the Earthship Community and would love to introduce them to a host of grantwriters working with architects willing to 'green' a series of buildings and urban spaces where i live ... it only makes sense... whether municipal and state bureau folk think so is entirely another matter because it seems this land is your land and this land is their land from California to the New York Island


Plenty and many and more if you please... but be kind in your lyrics if you want me to buy it and or dance to it


Dance For Camera; Being There with Peter Sellers; Utu; This is What Democracy Looks Like; Across the UniverseNearly any documentary on nature or whole world culture


there is one attached to my dvd and computer


poetry at times as well as fiction and non-fiction


bella abzug; noam chomsky; ralph nader; katherine dunhamsometimes you gotta do whats right

My Blog

Peace is not self-fullfilling.... or self -sustaining

i get so fucking tired of my own weaknesses which succumb to wanting to make one little change... to try to clarify one detail that i think might make life a little betterits a lie that we are harmoni...
Posted by thee radical eclectic on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 07:31:00 PST

Somewhere In Between or Absolutes As Beyond

In restless times i am certain that my place in the world is resting squarely beyond some momentary interpretation of culture or social hierarchies which seek to devalue the personal connection with n...
Posted by thee radical eclectic on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 10:44:00 PST

sometimes i have these wrenching feelings

it seems like there is no hope for my deep seated feelings relating to corruption and the politics that people wrap around their ambitions... i like to know people and work with people but w...
Posted by thee radical eclectic on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 08:05:00 PST

dark matters minded

wrapt within layers of what we think we knowlife comes a moment at a time as fractalation instantpossibilities unfurl themselves as paths chosen unchosenan outstretched hand breaks the plane of intent...
Posted by thee radical eclectic on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 03:06:00 PST

problems with proactive reactionaries

well i find myself in this strange category where i might actually fit within a label or something like that ... i find myself in a situation where i am ready to call myself out and enjoy finding the ...
Posted by thee radical eclectic on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 08:08:00 PST

not needing some title...

I got respect for those things and idea which actually leave me thinking about how i might honor the concept myself... not as copy but as constructive commentsomething like this is beyond really contr...
Posted by thee radical eclectic on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 08:02:00 PST

local original flavor... thanks for small miracles

This is my friends' band the Lucky Pineapple... gotta love 'em you can even recognize their sound in the dark... From them you will hear more because they are not gimmick nor are the...
Posted by thee radical eclectic on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 07:00:00 PST

This much I will share with you...

life twists us as we seek to fulfill its promise.... i get up everymorning knowing the the sun is not yet riseni rise to meet the day which was planned before i understood itmy feet are...
Posted by thee radical eclectic on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 03:39:00 PST

Orchestration World Beat Style...

Posted by thee radical eclectic on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 10:18:00 PST

Question of Endurance is not a Question at all....

Life is kinda funny in that its going to win... it is definitely going to prove that it can be all things to all people given enough time, mutations and fractal permutational valueMore to the point is...
Posted by thee radical eclectic on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 06:06:00 PST