Mb profile picture



About Me

I like craftsmanship. I'm interested in joining forces with people from all different communities and backgrounds to overthrow the government. I grew up poor.
I feel proud to know some truly inspiring people. I really miss my partner Jemma. I don't like drinking to get stupid. I view political parties with the same degree of sceptisizm as anarchist parties, and think they have similar problems. I know what I do and do not stand for. I like martial arts, fire, and long walks in the forest. I like singing of justice with others. I find hope by looking over the edges and walls of life.
A bunch of folks used to say I'm a narcissist. I used to think this is because I tend to act, and speak my beliefs regardless of weather it's "good" for me or not. I've come to understand that they were probably saying I'm self centered. A fair criticism. I see many people as out of touch with themselves. Driven by their polluted capitalist environment, when they'd be better served by a decent moral compass and connection to the land. When my head gets all spun by some capitalist fuckery, I really just try and take it back to the land. That's how I "center" myself. The earth sustains us, and gives us life.
My childhood trauma pushes me towards a kind of brutal honesty. I see myself as capable, and feel responsible for addressing my own, and other peoples problems. This tendency is both a shortcoming and a strength. It gets me into some pretty scary situations, long shifts, and amazing adventures.
I look up to iclonoclasts, folks like: Bruce Lee, Cool Hand Luke, John Brown, Malcolm x, and Lolita Lebron.
I'm interested in building a local network of revolutionaries that support each other in common struggle.

My Interests

Honest, hardworking, focused, people. Learning to breath fire. I'd like to start an arts and craft carpentry collective to raise funds for revolutionary groups around the country. I'd like to learn how to hunt, trap, and learn some mad permaculture and VEGAN COOKING. Corperate privacy law. How to break prisons, read blueprints, build community centers focused on revolutionary organizing. How National liberation struggle's relate to each other. Seperatism. The craftman politic of the early American Federation of Labor, The Anti Imperialists of the ninteen hundreds. What country people are doing to defend thier communities from outside, corperate control. R E S P E C T. Soul full music, and sharp wit.

I'd like to meet:

"kindred spirits"


Dead Prez, Prophets of Rage, my friend Felix "El Brujo", Casey Neil, Danny Dolinger, Djin Teeth Fang, JEMMA'S bro Bambino, Tatenda (may it rest in peace), Thomas Mapfumo, Tracy Chapman, Infernal Noise Brigade, Ozomatli, Orishas, all honest train hoppin belters, 1905, Tchkung!, Gilberto Gil and Jorge Ben, the Moonlight Sonata, Radiohead, Fugees, Einstruzeinde Neubaten, the Police, the Coup, various soulful people's sounds


The Ad and the Ego, Hearts and Minds, 1900, Princess Mononoke, the Secret of Nym, The Spirit of Crazy Horse, Land and Freedom, Dune, a Place Called Chiapas, The War at Home, the Murder of Fred Hampton, Buckaroo Bonzia, Fern Gully, My Friend Totiro, Waking Life, I heart Huckabees, Star Trek-------------and anything by the pdx imc crew


If it's broke don't fix it.

My Blog

Mumia Abu Jumal on John Brown and white priveldge:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++REVISIONING JOHN BROWN  paper prepared by Mumia Abu JamalPittsburgh, Oct. 2, 2006John Brown poses difficult and undeniable problems for us. For some like Staughton Lynd his...
Posted by Mb on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:44:00 PST

Pictures and hope.

I've recently started digging up pictures of stuff I was involved in back in the day. I used to shun having pictures of protest stuff I'd done around because I didn't want to attract sketchy people or...
Posted by Mb on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 09:57:00 PST

Support for Direct Action, and Political Prisoners

Support for Direct Action, and Political Prisoners (INTRO): Were here tonight to support our friends and fellow revolutionaries. In recognition of the need for a diversity of tactics, we want to b...
Posted by Mb on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST