Honest, hardworking, focused, people. Learning to breath fire. I'd like to start an arts and craft carpentry collective to raise funds for revolutionary groups around the country. I'd like to learn how to hunt, trap, and learn some mad permaculture and VEGAN COOKING. Corperate privacy law. How to break prisons, read blueprints, build community centers focused on revolutionary organizing. How National liberation struggle's relate to each other. Seperatism. The craftman politic of the early American Federation of Labor, The Anti Imperialists of the ninteen hundreds. What country people are doing to defend thier communities from outside, corperate control. R E S P E C T. Soul full music, and sharp wit.
"kindred spirits"
Dead Prez, Prophets of Rage, my friend Felix "El Brujo", Casey Neil, Danny Dolinger, Djin Teeth Fang, JEMMA'S bro Bambino, Tatenda (may it rest in peace), Thomas Mapfumo, Tracy Chapman, Infernal Noise Brigade, Ozomatli, Orishas, all honest train hoppin belters, 1905, Tchkung!, Gilberto Gil and Jorge Ben, the Moonlight Sonata, Radiohead, Fugees, Einstruzeinde Neubaten, the Police, the Coup, various soulful people's sounds
The Ad and the Ego, Hearts and Minds, 1900, Princess Mononoke, the Secret of Nym, The Spirit of Crazy Horse, Land and Freedom, Dune, a Place Called Chiapas, The War at Home, the Murder of Fred Hampton, Buckaroo Bonzia, Fern Gully, My Friend Totiro, Waking Life, I heart Huckabees, Star Trek-------------and anything by the pdx imc crew
If it's broke don't fix it.