Electriceeler profile picture


Freedom never comes in the form of a movement, rather only as a consequence of being still. David Eh

About Me

You Are 76% Cynical
You're a full blown cynic... and probably even skeptical of these results.
You have your optimistic moments, but most likely you keep them to yourself. How Cynical Are You? < Look up, we're being sprayed!
We captured planes leaving classic X pattern chemtrails over the Ottawa River. No mistaking these for traditional contrails - NO WAY!!

I live a simple quiet life dedicated to an understanding of myself and the nature of life and living. I suspect that life as we know it is a high tech nano virtual reality program. I believe that we are eternal beings existing in a greater immaterial universe of which the material world is a subset. We enter into a body in order to internally experience this virtual reality field. This virtual reality program acts as a school where one chooses moment by moment lessons to be learned, mostly on a unconscious basis. The determining factor is to become aware of the unconscious choices we make so as to exercise our free will. We have free will but it is up to us to exercise that free will and take responsibility for our thoughts and actions.
I unplugged and put away my TV and highly recommend you do the same. Begin researching into what is really going on in our world: what cutting edge science is discovering and what contemporary free-thinkers are proposing. You can find some documentaries in my "movies" section, but there are many more on Google, YouTube and MySpace.
We have two ears and two eyes, but only one mouth for a good reason. We begin understanding ourselves and the world around us when we close our mouths and open our ears and eyes.

My Interests

I am interested in seeking self-truth through close examination of others and the world around me. Until I accomplish a simple, peaceful, self-sustaining way of life, independent of "convenient dependencies", I have few other goals or interests in life.

My personal tribute to Jordan Maxwell
by The_IIIuminati_Hunter

I'd like to meet:

In order to make any sense of our mysterious universe and the inhabitants of this little planet called earth, one would have to interview an interesting cross-section of instrumental people that helped shape our ancient and contemporary cultures. Below are just a small handful of such people. Their knowledge could help guide you to unlocking a few of these mysteries, however you must actively pursue knowledge because life's mysteries are merely interpreted from your own experiences.

Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Dan Burish, Cathy O'Brien, Mark Phillips, Alex Collier, Bill Cooper, Kay Griggs, Dr. Wolf, James Gilliland, Alex Jones, Bill Schnoebelen, Anthony Hilder, Carl Sagan, Dalai Lama, Norman Dobbs, Fritz Springmeier, Dr. Steven Greer, Ian Xel Lungold, Ramtha, William Henry, Madame Helena Blavatsky, Noam Chomsky, Krishnamurti, Osho, Carl Jung, Freeman, William Lyne, Nicola Tesla, Jesus, Buddha, Adolf Hitler, Albert Pike, George Canning, Rabbi Dovid Krafchow, Adam Weishaupt, Aleister Crowley, Count Hans Kolvenbach, Eric Jon Phelps, Chris Everard, Yusuf Islam, Joseph Campbell...


Fan Video for Sigur Ros: Levels of Consciousness

Pearl Jam: It's Evolution, Baby!


I watch documentaries about esoteric and occult societies that control humanity at large.
Fantastic Planet: Full Length
The Holographic Universe

Planet Nibiru Draws Near. Are You Ready?
Are You Ready? Part 1 Are You Ready? Part 2 Are You Ready? Part 3
David Wilcock is a professional intuitive consultant, sharing his perceptions about 2012 and parallel realities. The 2012 time frame could bring a "golden age" for humanity, with a dimensional shift that leads us into ascended states, and if there is a calamity such as a pole shift around this time, people will warp into a parallel reality and not be affected by it, he outlined.
David Wilcock Radio Interview: Part 1
David Wilcock Radio Interview: Part 2
David Wilcock Radio Interview: Part 3
David Wilcock Radio Interview: Part 4
David Wilcock Radio Interview: Part 5
David Wilcock Radio Interview: Part 6 .. .. ....
David Wilcock Radio Interview: Part 7 .. .. ....
David Wilcock Radio Interview: Part 8 .. .. ....
David Wilcock Radio Interview: Part 9 .. .. ....
David Wilcock Radio Interview: Part 10 .. .. ....


I quit


Currently reading: Misquoting Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman, Under A Green Sky by Peter Ward, Late Great Planet Earth by Peter Ward, Lost Millennium by Florin Diacu and The Collapse of Globalism by John Ralston Saul


Bill Hicks Revelations pt 1

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My Blog

Thoughts on 9/11...

I prefer the Robert Anton Wilson school of thought. Rather than saying it IS this, or it IS that, we should say, it APPEARS to me, or it MAY BE this or that. After all, discussing world issues is t...
Posted by Electriceeler on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 07:05:00 PST

Professor Resigns Over Jesuit Decision

Boston College English Professor Resigns Over Jesuit Decision To Let Condoleezza Rice Be Commencement Speaker Steve Almond quit his teaching position in a letter to Fr. William P. Leah...
Posted by Electriceeler on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 07:31:00 PST

The Mysterious Life and Death of Phil Schneider

Phil Schneider, a very brave man, lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-style execution in January 1996. He was found dead i...
Posted by Electriceeler on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:18:00 PST

The Real Hidden Power

We are beginning to recognize that our earthly exploration is actually an internal experience, not external, and that all material manifestations are merely figments of our imagination. We are asking ...
Posted by Electriceeler on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 08:56:00 PST