cups of tea, tic tocs, the good old days, the ding dong days, these days, being pretentious, roses found on the ground outside icon, old women who enthusiastically eat sausages on trains, coffee at chives, spilling beers at 161, the roof at the espy and spending 10 minutes talking to no one about it, the 630 bus route, the stage at the evelyn and trying to work out how many balloons will fit on it (173?), free steak knives, the people you meet on the frankston line late at night, click click jokes, fur coats, silk scarves, passionpop with lemonade, wikipedia and the things you learn on it, velvet AND gold shoes, BRITPOP, armies of newspaper hats, the infomercial channel, MADCHESTER, life (because it's pretty goddamn good innit?)
White suit, gold tie, silver shirt Let's throw it all in and sail off into eternity. God knows wisdom cannot be bought nowadays and time isn't on our side. Let's do something profound, start a riot, get the tongues of a million sad housewives waggling..
It's a long list baby
Obscure arthouse classics
Marquee Moon?
It's all about the WORDS ..and Gatsby
the stylish kids in the riot