....................................................... the love of my life, wait a minute, i already have..F.J, F.J, where for art thou F.J???? .......................................................
i'm music retarded...but not 100%...just listen to my qualty myspace song!
beauty and the beast(disney), the wedding singer, moulin rouge, jack frost, shaun of the dead, never been kissed, all zombie movies. hahah hot fuzz, pet sematary two (ay jacinta :P) shes the man... the catapillar wish...pan's labrynth, gettin sqaure... yeah and stuff
in a nutshell, im addicted to shit tvHome and Away (hahah how sad), Greys anatomay, how i met your mother, doctor who, the glasshouse...not anymore :(, mcleods daughters (i no im sad), before the game hahahhaahha, veronica mars(to bad that got cut for big brother...(what a quality show) robin hood, NCIS, House, midday movies, sunday morning kids shows (ABC) and other shit...