Not Broken profile picture

Not Broken

Pretty Death.. Open your arms and welcome me home.. I am so tired.

About Me

Myspace Icons

That does NOT mean that if you email me I will automatically accept you. I Don't Trust Easily so if you are a guy you need a good reason to be on my friends list. Besides, I am a bitch. You really don't want to be on my friends list.
From My Taija-Nichole.. Thanks Love!!!
I am tired of this Insecurity. I Long For Truth. I Hate believing Lies. I Despise Myself. I Hurt For Others. I Feel Bad that I Bring Pain to Others. I LONG to correct my views. I Am NOT Afraid. I Love My Family. I Have a hard time learning to TRUST people. It comes from being LIED too, CHEATED on, USED, and ABANDONED!!
In Time, I will be a BETTER ME! In TIME I will overcome my gullibleness. In THIS Lifetime I Will Learn to TRUST My Instincts.
I CHOOSE to be who I want to be. I DETERMINE what is RIGHT! I Decide what to believe. EVENTUALLY I will learn to descipher TRUTH from LIES.
You are entitled to your opinion. You are also strongly recommended
to keep it to yourself.
I am a FIRM believer that what I choose
for myself, is right for ME! I am, and always will be My own person.
Transformation is a death that brings rebirth.
"The two hardest things to say in life are Hello for the First time, and Goodbye for the Last...."
"I Envision The Mediocrity of My Finest Hour.." ~Ani DiFranco
"I Can Finally See That I Was The One Worth Leaving..." ~The Postal Service
"I am Completely Aware of My Own Confusion.." ~Erik Swanson
"I Am Willing to Fight, for what I Think is Real, For what I THink is Right" ~Ani Difranco
"Hell Hath No Fury like a Woman Scorned!"
Is There Nothing More than this?? It There No other Reality to Compete for
my attention? How can all my Dreams be Just Dreams? How can this,
be all there is? I Will escape from Corporate America!
(`._.[Not Broken]._.)
Premade Layouts From ..

My Interests

Tae kwon do
Horseback Riding

I'd like to meet:

Ani Difranco. Topher Grace, and Seth Green. I must have a thing for nerds.. as long as they are funny.I'm just here to keep in touch with the friends I already have. If we have something in common please email me before you add me.
Who I DON'T Want to Meet:
~ANY person under 21 years old.

Thats not so difficult is it? If you do add me, don't expect to be here long unless you talk to me. Tired of page hogs and don't need you.


Music Defines me. Today, this song defines my feelings. Tomorrow I may change my mind, and another song will take it's place. But today, this song is how I feel.

Music is like that. My soul is defined by my music, and the music I choose to listen to, is deemed worthy by my soul.Ani Difranco
Avril Lavign
The Cure
Fiona Apple
K's Choice
My Chemical Romance
The Feverfew
The Used
Death Cab For Cutie
System of a Down
Idiom Of Sad
Liz Kelly
Ophir Drive
S.J. Tucker
Alanis Morrisette
Loreena McKennett
Dead Can Dance
Sweet Hustler
Juliana Theory
The Postal Service


Myst's of Avalon
50 First Dates
From Hell
Sleepy Hollow
The 9th Gate
Iron Jawed Angels
Vanity Fair
Eternal Sunshine of a the Spotless Mind
The Neverending Story
Alice In Wonderland
Pirates of the Carribean
Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Harry Potter
Girl Interupted
Virgin Suicides
Interview with the Vampire
The Dark Crystal
The Last Unicorn
Watership Down
Knockaround Guys
Cheaper By The Dozen
Spy Kids Trilogy
Without a Paddle
The Doors
Queen Of The Damned
A Knights Tale
The Craft
Any other Witch movies.. & many more that I can't think of right now


That 70's Show
Dead Zone
The 4400
Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
Law & Order
Fear Factor
America's Next Top Model
The Closer


The Da Vinci Code ~Dan Brown
Angels & Demons ~ Dan Brown
In Her Shoes ~ Jennifer Weiner
Alice In Wonderland ~Lewis Carroll
Through The Looking Glass ~ Lewis Carroll
The Eye of the World Series ~ Robert Jordan
Wicked; The Life & Times of the Wicked Witch of the West ~Gregory Maguire
Son Of A Witch ~ Gregory Maguire
Confessions of an Ugly Step Sister ~ Gregory Maguire
Harry Potter (all of them)
and anything else that entertains or inspires me.


My Sisters, Kim & Shelly, whom I Love & Cherish with all my soul. Ani Difranco. The woman is incredible. Check out her song "Subdivision" for an idea if you haven't heard her. Alice Paul. She was one of the Main leaders in the Suffrage fight. She also started the jail wide Hunger strike, and was force fed with a funnel. Watch Iron Jawed Angels for the true story. It Rocks, and gives you a little insight into what we still fight against today, and why we fight it..

Check Her Out. She Rocks!!

My Blog

Ouch... Terrible Day..

Dude.  I spent the day at the hospital and then the dentists office.. Kira kissed a pole on the playground and lost a tooth, broke 2 others, and had to get 5 stitches in her lip.  Poor ...
Posted by Not Broken on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 04:58:00 PST

Vengeance Part 2.

I realize that vengeance destroys those of us who carry it around.  I still carry it.  With it I carry guilt that is not mine to carry.. but sometimes people push guilt off onto others becau...
Posted by Not Broken on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 07:22:00 PST


Sooo I am starting to get ready for Arizona.. but I have a few weeks yet..  I think when I get there I would like to stay probably.. and that isn't an option.  It sucks, but what can ya do r...
Posted by Not Broken on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 05:19:00 PST

Funny, Isn't It?

How quickly things can go from being an ok day, to a day when you wish someone would just hold you in their arms until you died.  Some days I just want to lay down and die.. Never have to get up ...
Posted by Not Broken on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:23:00 PST

I'm so cute.

As I was walking along one day, I tripped and fell upon my face.. I said to myself with a giggle and a laugh,  "Damn you look like SUCH an Ass!!
Posted by Not Broken on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 08:43:00 PST

A Deeper Darkness..

I woke up today and it began as any other day.  I woke the kids, started coffee, got the kids moving and ready for school and dropped them off.  I returned home and read my book for a while,...
Posted by Not Broken on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 11:01:00 PST

I'm a Reed??

..> You scored as The Reed. In Celtic astrology, you're a Reed (not everything on the zodiac is a tree). The animal symbol that accompanies this plant is the hound. The ancient Druids say Reed peop...
Posted by Not Broken on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 09:51:00 PST

Greta Garbo

1950's Bombshell or 1940's Pin-Up? Which Classic Film Star Are You? GRETA GARBO: 1920'S-1950'S"THE UNFORGETTABLE FACE"Congratulations!! You were the legendary Greta Garbo. A woman of profound ge...
Posted by Not Broken on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:21:00 PST

Little House ~ The Fray

"Little House"She doesn't look, she doesn't seeOpens up for nobodyFigures out, she figures outNarrow line, she can't decideEverything short of suicideNever hurts, nearly worksSomething is scratchingIt...
Posted by Not Broken on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 11:00:00 PST


What human aspect fits your personality? (images) The TorturedTake this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ...
Posted by Not Broken on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 02:49:00 PST