Biking, Meditating, Snow skiing, Jet Skiing, Swimming, Certain mediums of Activism, Reading a lot (non-fic). We prefer all diet drinks (even light beer) and are into fitness. Trying to be of sound body and mind.
Cool folks. GLBTQS - Straight people, the S stands for you. Of course everyone thinks their "cool folks" so lets specify..... well rounded people - people who fight ethnocentrisim - people who dont believe the news they hear from sound bites or from corperate conglomos - People who like real movies like Capote, Brokeback, Children of a Lesser God, etc. NOT folks who prefer Fantastic 4, Independance Day, etc. We are fans of intellectually elite liberals as well as the down to earth blue collar Right (who oddly enough used to be liberal - because of unions and workers rights) We are even fans of educated republicans who believe in old school big tent issues. etc etc etc.. Hope this clarifies.
We both love 80's & XMas Music. BILL -Michael Buble -Movie Scores (i.e. Mars Attacks, Beetlejuice, Kundun) -SoundTracks(i.e. Rushmore, Queer as Folk) RICK -REO Speedwagon -The Cars -Joan Jet.
We both love Kundun, Ghandi, & Children of a Lesser God. RICK gravitates toward Little Buddha, Interview with a Vampie, Breakfast at Tiffany's. BILL: Bowlling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Too Wong Foo, and Gorillas in the Mist.
Kung fu, The West Wing, Queer as Folk, The Daily Show, King of the Hill and Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, American Dad.
"Anything but staight: unmasking the scandals and lies behind the Ex-Gay Myth." "The Tibetan book of living and dieing."
RICK's hero's are The Buddha, Sogyal Rimpoche, The Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, and Master Po (From Kung Fu). BILL'S are Ms. Annie Sullivan, Gandhi, Dianne Fossey, Mother Theresa, Thich Nhat Hanh, Master Kahn (From Kung Fu), & Lisa Simpson.