About Me
Hi, I'm Hank, but the telemarketers call me William.I'm six one and I wear glasses because I think they're cool, but also because I can't see without them. I don't hardly ever clean my glasses, so, when I do, I am amazed by how clear and clean the world looks. I find that feeling wonderful, and so sometimes I don't clean my glasses until I'm feeling sad. I shave twice a week.I'm a professional marketing consultant. Isn't that horrible? But I'm also a professional writer (http://www.boulderdirt.com) and a professional graphic designer who happens to own a little computer consulting company. (I have two part time employees and one of them is me).I spend an awful lot of time working on EcoGeek.org, a blog that discusses technology that is improving the environment.I'm learning the play the guitar. I can play Cohen's 'Hallelujah' now, which provides me with hours of fun, and Katherine with similar hours of the same song over and over again.Katherine is my wife, we got in September, but we've been together for seven years. We've had our ups and downs, but there is no one in the world I love more. And, most importantly, no one who makes me happier, or provides me with more hours of mutual entertainment. Right now she is in the other room watching 21 Jumpstreet....how awesome is that?I just got a Master's degree in Environmental Studies. It's a really weird degree to get, and I don't really understand it, but I'm glad to have it. My thesis was a discussion of the personal computer movement and the environmental movement and what they mean to our species and our planet.I am usually hungry, and I really love to dance. People seem to love to watch me dance and, very occassionally, compare me to Napolean Dynamite. I would appreciate, however, that anyone who reads this refrain from comparing me to Napolean Dynamite, because I can't figure out if it's an insult or not, and it sometimes makes me want to clean my glasses.I have a lot of great friends here (here is Missoula Montana). A lot of my Missoula friends don't do the MySpace thing, but I'll give a shoutout to them anyhow. But one is silver and the other's gold right? Nothing is better than the oldest friends, who I miss hugely and it hurts to watch them grow and change without me. But the best part is when we're together again, and, all told, we haven't really changed.I love reading books, I love to ride my bike to school, especially when the traffic is bad and I get to rush past all of those gas guzzling fools waiting at lights. I think the world is in a horrible place, but I actually believe our species and our planet to be quite safe. Of all of the things I love, I think I love nature the most. It fits into my ability to conceive of entirely (unlike people and their culture) but it is complex and amazing enough that I could never truly understand a percent of it. I believe that nature has a powerful and broad intrinsic worth, and that we have a duty to preserve its complexity.I also really love dogs. Sometimes I eat food out of the trash. I don't have cable, but I download television shows all the time. I have a brother, he writes books for a living (see sparksflyup.com) I once wrote an essay about how I tend to do whatever my brother does. I think he is amazing, and I want to be successful like he is. His first book is being made into a movie by the guy who wrote "The O.C." (a television show that is very popular, but I have never taken the time to download).I told you that I love dogs, and that I love food, but I forgot to tell you that I love corndogs. That, really, I think, is a great place to end.