making things happen the goofball way and lots of calabashi...
short songs about small things that appear large in the scheme of it all .....
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"ruben and ed" , " holy mountain " "zardoz " " saint clare " " roller blade " " Dr. strangelove " " death riders (pychomania)" "the last valley" " vagabond "( sans toit ni loi ) "alfaville " " the human highway " " Truffaut stuff " " Roman Polanski tambien " "where the green ants dream " "hi, i'm daisy jones, enjoy the music" "it's all gone pete tong" "the 3 buriels of eric estrada" "the matador" "west coast calamities" "no political problems in the west"
i know that it is the common rage to say something like "i burned it" or "i have no time for that shit" or "i am a desciple of sun ra". how ever the truth is that i am an american fool who grew up in the 70's and 80's and there for i'm a tele-zombie (although the regan admin. really fucked that tv shit up). these are some of the fav's, the rat patrol, most of that HBO shit, the office (both sides of the pond), random mexican game show's.......
i will read pretty much anything, especially if theres lots of pictures to look at