Support Jason Salkey
Please if you want to buy the definitive look at the Series of Sharpe, with behind the scenes footage, photos, comments etc. Then please go to:
Rifleman Harris Official Jason Salkey Webpage
Do not buy pirate DVDs of The Harris Diaries! Buy them from Jason Salkey or just do not buy them at all!
Jason is not a big production or distribution Company .. he is one guy trying to give us a wonderful gift through his art. So lets give him our support!
Jason also has a MySpace page here:
Rifleman Harris
He has not done much there yet but put in a friend request so we can get his page moving along ;)
Help Save the Wild Mustangs of North America!
No not really ...
I saw him in Toronto, my biggest thrill was going to the Toronto Film Festival
.. sitting in the second row from the stage and seeing Sean Bean on stage!
Fantastic Movie,
Sean was as always great in this role
(well not always he has made good on some bad roles,
but we won't go there LOL).
Sean in Toronto 2005 for the Premiere of North Country
I have been an admirer of Sean since I saw Stormy Monday .. eons ago (yes I am that old!). I don't use the word "fan" it has too many ugly connotaions these days.
He is a great actor and hopefully someday he will get the roles he deserves and the happiness we all deserve!
For a list of available Sean Bean Movies on DVD Annie's Eclectic Attic
The Compleat Sean Bean The Best Sean Bean Site on the Internet & the Oldest Nona Kent The Compleat Sean Bean
Robbie Robertson / The Band Best Canadian Band in the entire world (ok Levon is not Canadian but we have adopted him LOL)
The Kinks .. yes I do want to come dancing!
Bowie ... no-one makes me dance like he does
Buddy Holly ... no I am not that old but my siblings are and I love the old rock tunes
Uncle Kracker, Louis Armstrong, Jim Croce, The Pussycat Dolls, Tom Petty ,Desmond Dekker & The Aces ... etc etc .. yes I am a bit Eclectic ;)
The Toronto Film Festival:)
I love going to the Film Fest in TO.. I love TO period!!
But the Film Fest is fantastic and this was my second year there. My pics of Viggo are at
Viggo Pics
Anything and everything with Sean Bean.
I have been an admirer of Sean's acting since Stormy Monday .. about twenty years now!
The Dixie Chicks : Shut Up And Sing Web Blog
Groups: University of Western Ontario
P.A.W. (Parents Around the World)
Sean Bean is the coolest
You are 98% English.
Congratulations! You may now take your place as a subject of Her Majesty."And did those feet
In ancient times,
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
In England's pleasant pastures seen?"Well, no, but it's a cracking good tune.
How English are you?
Create a Quiz
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.