movies,theater walking and traveling, cooking but vegetarians food even if I'm not a vegee!!! love exhibitions( diane arbus,jean pagliuso,georges rodger,cartier bresson and love kids.......
Le Dalai Lama....Nelson Mandela......Gena Rowlands.....Clint eastwood...Meryl Streep....Jessica lange.....Sam friends all around the world....and want to do benefit work...Teaching theater to kids...I've done it in Morrocco and now need to meet people who 're doing that other countries but need to learn portuguese cause want to do it in Brazil too..... I've been to Capetown this year and went in some townships for the film festival it was very touching to see all the kids but such a tough country....Not pride being white.... Thanks for eriq to show me the country.... and met fantastic south african actors....
gainsbourg,marley,barbara,brel,wycleaf,2 pac,aretha franklin,ray charles,charlie parker,portishead,radiohead,the rolling stones,flamenco music, gypsies bossa nova, and festival in south pf Morocco,geoffrey oyema,souad massi,rickie lee jones,pat benattar,marianne faithfull,chopin,mathieu chedid,ali farka toure,alpha,barry white,beck,bjork,camaron nuestro,chet baker,camille,dar williams,dusty springfield, ....
Tess,apocalypse now,orange mecanique,Little Odessa,blow up,martin scorcese,roman polanski movie's,any cassavetes movies,orson wells,amores perros,old almodovar,gaspar noé,lucile hadzilhlilovic,the little sunshine,todd haynes,taxi driver,scarface,documentaries.....cabaret,all that jazz,hair,Les 400 coups...
desperate housewives,prison break,six feet under,sex in the city,24 hours,grey's anatomy
Albert Cohen books,le maitre et margherite,ask the dust, two serious ladies,Alessandro Barricco...stanislavski...Larry moss...Tchekov...
My grand-parents..Nelson Mandela,Gandhi,Mohamed ALI,Anne Franck...les parents klarsfelds....