aHarley's, reading, singing, antique shopping, doing puzzles, traveling...going on cruises or to the beach!
Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior! Can't wait until the day I see Him face to face! But in this world, I'd like to meet new friends and catch up with old ones. I'd love to meet my sisters in Christ I have met here on myspace: Donna, Dottie, Val, Jasmine and Heidi. If I don't meet you guys in this world, I'll see you in the next! Love you!
If I have my choice, mostly southern gospel. I like pretty much any type of music, but usually have to listen to my daughter's cd's which consists of rap, hip hop and some rock. My husband and I collect old records. We have a huge collection of old 75's from the late 1800-early 1900's. We have three victrolas to play them on. We also collect classic 45's (Beatles, Fats, Beach Boys, etc.) and 70's and 80's vinyl (cause it's fun).
I like comedy's because I love to laugh. However, we almost never go to the movies and don't watch them at home either. We just never have the time to sit down that long.
aTV Land and TBS (love those Seinfeld, King of Queens and Everybody Loves Raymond reruns)I've got hooked on Heros. Just trying to figure out what is going on is a challenge.
The Bible and Christian based stories most of the time. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of spare time to do much reading.
aJesus, my Savior who died on the cross for me. I thank and praise Him for all He's done for me! Also, my husband...he's the greatest. He lifts me up when I'm down, makes me laugh when I cry.