Music, art, hiking, biking, the ocean . . . any ocean . . . lighthouses, writing, and people watching to get inspired from life to create!
Those who create art, music, and feel blessed that they have a talent to share. The men and women who protect our freedom. Christ to thank him for his sacrifice, Moses to ask how he felt being chosen to hear God's voice, and Adam to ask him what the heck he was thinking of letting Eve bite the apple and messing up such a great thing! My last wish is to meet those who truly desire to make a difference in the world. To shelter those who have lost parents due to war, to feed those who have hungered due to tragedy, and those who look to make all have a chance to live.Here is the link to my Ebay Store:
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Faves: Santana, Sting, Secada, Hoobastank, Sinatra, Barry White, notice a theme here? Anyone who I can dance to. Just about anything worth it's weight in hearing
Notebook, Sean Connery Movies, Al Pacino, John Wayne, Love horror movies, but they have to be written well to keep my attention
Grey's Anatomy, 24, SG1, things along this line,
The Notebook, complete works of Edgar Alan Poe, Complete works of Sherlock Holmes, Sparks material I enjoy as well.
The men and women who keep our country safe, our freedom in tact, and do so willingly