i am a great admirer of things. really...a huge fan. bright shiny things. buried ancient things. sleek dangerous things. squat useless things. just things in all the infinite variety that "thing-ness" covers.
it's not like we're actually going to meet...so anyone. in all reality though, i probably already know you somehow...and you're probably mad at me for not calling. you know....because i never call. phones are scary. much like clowns. and spiders. and really, really, really happy people who feel a need to constantly tell you how very, very, very happy they really, really, really are. so i should amend that "anyone" statement to exclude some of those scary things i just mentioned.so......i'd like to meet anyone, except those people who are, in reality, a phone, a clown, a spider or an InsAneLy HaPPy person. i ammended that just in case we actually do meet. i wouldn't want us to waste precious time. after all, the rumor is that the world's ending soon, and i for one, have things to do.
a thing we dance to.
are great background noise for a first kiss. nothing like a bad movie to incite some truly inspired snogging. mmmmm...hot, hot snogging.
a realm of wonder that is spoon fed to the masses by idiots who think they know a thing or two about story and comedy. i hope to one day be one of those idiots at the throne of TVland. yes, i can see it now...through snappy dialogue and zany characterizations, you will all come to know and love me.....for about a half-hour on thursday nights. so it is said, so shall it be done.
i hear that these are good for you...like fiber is good for you.
gene hackman and samurai jack. crippled midgets who smile and laugh. my mom. you...for reading this far. haven't you had enough yet?