Surprise, Fear, Ruthless Efficiency, An Almost Fanatical Devotion To The Pope, and Nice Red Uniforms
Anyone in need of a good kick in the nards. I'm good at those.
The Oneeders, Joey Allcorn, The Fiendish Thingies, Dr. Bongo!, Skew, The FSC, Dockery/Conley, The Rogue Gallery, Ultimate Garage Band
Der Zirkus der Menschheit, Dirk Thrust: Action Reporter, Autobiography of a Life Spent in Costume, Clara Potts Hates You!, I Wanna Be Ready: Gospel, The Blues, and the Rural Black Church Experience, and a bunch more I haven't gotten around to writing yet
TV died when they finally caught and detained Carmen Sandiego.
"This Is My Country (58 Stunning Portraits of Country Music's Heart & Soul)" by Kenny Rogers;
"Kenny Rogers: Gambler, Dreamer, Lover" by Martha Hume and John Reggero;
"Cooking With Kenny Rogers" by Anonymous
Zebediah Augustus Wallybush, Maximilian Beauchamp Delecroix, and Eustace Tythadeus Leroy Beauregard IV: scholars, gentlemen, and defenders of the glorious South.