I regularly attend Renaissance festivals and conventions. Faires that I have been to are Carolina in Charlotte, NC, Georgia in Fairburn, GA, NC State in Raleigh... and 16 years ago, twice to South Florida at Vizcaya in Miami, FL.Faires on the list to travel to include: Minnesota, Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, Maryland... and more as I can think of them.Dragon Con 2007 is on the agenda as well. Other events pending as finances and other situations permit.I enjoy live performances. I was a cast member for the NC cast of the Rocky Horror Picture show for about seven months back in 2000 (This I miss terribly). Among the roles that I played were Brad, Columbia (twice), Janet (once), and Riff Raff (once, though I kept my hair long for more opporunities to play Riff)I also spend my time reading, playing games, and movies (huge movie fan). I am currently returned to Final Fantasy XI .. (World : Ragnarok, character Circine). I also play some first person games (shooters including Halo and Unreal Tournament) and strategy games (Starcraft still holds a place in my heart). Console RPG's are still the good stuff for me.I love sci-fi and fantasy art, books and movies, as well as games. I am an collector of anime art and toys as well.Travel is something else I enjoy (when I can afford the time and expense). New Orleans and Washington, DC are among locations I have traveled to. I have also traveled to California for training and was able to drive and walk around San Fransisco.
I am interested in meeting new people. I enjoy spending time with intelligent people who can thing for themselves, are fond of good conversation and love to have fun. I am open-minded towards all of a person's interests, beliefs, and ideas of a good time. Don't trudge on mine and I will return the favor.
Music selections that I really do like include the following: 70's-80's music (variety of selections, including KISS, Poison, Alice Cooper, most of the other "hair bands") I enjoy movie musical scores, as well as some games' musical scores (some game are only good for the music) I listen to some Nightwish, have recently been listening to Lacuna Coil and Tristania.
V for Vendetta: "People should not be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people." If you see no other movie this year, I strongly encourage you to go see this film. It is very entertaining. It also raise some difficult questions that are contemporary to our lives and the current state of our nation. If you do not agree with the views, just remember... I am not a censor. Just go about your merry little lives as the good little sheep.The Shawshank Redemption: A wonderful film full of great performances that is truly entertaining, as well as raises awareness of human corruptability.Aliens: One of the truly great movies of the 80s, this still holds up to modern day special effects films.Star Trek: First Contact: The highest grossing film of the franchise this was one of the great sci-fi films of the late 90s. Those who have never liked Star Trek would find this movies blend of suspense and action most enjoyable.Crash: After actually sitting down and watching this movie, I am impressed by this strongly acted, gripping study of how people of different backgrounds and cultures interact and clash within our world. Presenting difficult material in intelligent form, this is a great film.Brokeback Mountain: This is a not a study of homosexual love, it is a story of two people who found an affection that many do not find in their entire lives, regardless of their orientation (I hate this term, by the way). Humans are ruled by fear, as is evidenced by the Academy Awards ceremony. This was a strong contender for Best Picture, and though I agree that Crash was a better movie overall, I think that the Academy is still under much pressure from society as a whole for comformity.L.A. Confidential: Another Oscar upset, this was a wonderful storyline, great characters, and another great study of human greed and corruption. It keeps you in the dark through most of the movie as to the villains true identity.American Beauty: I love this movies sarcastic and caustic look at the suburban American family. You will come not much closer to the actual reality of everyday American life than in this movie.Movies by Hayao Miyazaki: These timeless movies bring to life a wonderful mind full of imagination. I have not seen a movie he has made that I did not like (and I own most of them). Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky, Kikis Delivery Service, Howls Moving Castle, and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind are the ones I have seen, and I look forward to more of his work in the future.Steamboy: This is an action packed thrill ride filled with imagination. From the director of the acclaimed movie Akira, this movie keeps up with the times with updated animation and strong voice acting.Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children: This is scheduled to be released in NA on April 28th. A sequel film to the game of the same name for Playstation, this is one you do not want to miss. Mind boggling action and near perfect realistic animation, the characters nearly come to life on screen. You will be at the end of the movie, lamenting that you couldnt perform this action in the game ;)Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence: One of the best parts about this film was the opportunity to see it on the big screen. Continuing where the first movie left off, this film improved over the original with animation and character styles (the original is considered a landmark film for Japanese animation), as well as a thoughtful storyline that follows in the world when the line between man and machine has blurred.Cowboy Bebop: The Movie: Cowboy Bebop is a great series, blending hip storylines with fun characters and a perfect blend of comedy and action. The movie takes place during the course of the series, and is well worth having a look at.
Series that I do regularly catch are ER and CSI (once again, I like drama on TV alone). I also was a big fan of The Book of Daniel... until whiney Fundies had it taken off the air (it's just fiction, but many people seem very religious sensitive lately). Series that I also enjoy (current or reruns) include: Battlestar Galactica (old and new, though I tend more towards the classic) Firefly / Serenity (shameful that this was pulled, great show and wonderful cast and story. Sci-Fi Channel, pick this up from Cocks, I mean Fox) ;) Quantum Leap (not playing when I can watch :P) Star Trek (big trekker, those who know me know this, I have watched every movie and series... and I think Enterprise had bad luck) Babylon 5 (Loved this series, need to find these somewhere) MXC (mindless entertainment, love the dubbing) Reality TV (reality TV to me is staged. I watch mostly Real TV and World's Wildest Police Videos... big fan of carnage) That 70's Show (this is always great for a laugh) South Park (see above comment about religious sensitivity regarding this show)Anime (Seperate Section): Rurouni Kenshin / Samurai X Samurai Champloo Cowboy Bebop Full Metal Alchemist Trigun Robotech / Macross Plus Blue Gender Cased Closed (Detective Conan) (Adult Swim stopped showing this and it annoys me) Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex (Both series) Many others I cannot name at the moment...
I enjoy some of the classic sci-fi/fantasy novels (War of the Worlds, 20,000 Leagues under the sea, Starship Troopers, Lord of the Rings when I have lots of time to burn). I am a dedicated fan of R.A Salvatore's writings for Forgotten Realms (yes, I am a Drizzt nut). Also, on the encouragement of a good friend, I have read the four released novels of A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R.R. Martin. I also read some graphic novels and anime on occasion.
My heroes are people who are intelligent and have the courage and self confidence to think for themselves and not conform to society's views. Those who can stand out in a crowd simply due to their being who they are, not those looking to be noticed.