Under normal circumstances (which my life has been far from at all time but completely dissassociated with currently):Reading (as much as possible)Basic Computers (building or enhancing the hardware; learning new software; troubleshooting basic problems; surfing the web in the endless pursuit of new information)Desktop Design (even if rushed I try to enjoy the basics of a clean layout)Students (its great to interact out of class -- see them on teams, in plays, etc)Children (I've raised some beautiful darlings but miss them so very much now)Writing (mostly poems, some short stories, maybe someday a novel?)
Good Country People? . . . . sorry no literary allusions soooo . . . no one special just great people in general!
If it's not rap and its not country (real country) then I'll probably enjoy it -- just need it to match the mood or tone and I'm loving it.
I'm bad about remembering names and titles and often get ideas a bit mixed up ... so from the mixed up files of Ms. W ... Gattica (bah . . .more later)
Most things on the SciFi Channel . . . ummmm . . . really more a book or computer person . . .
Two long standing favorites are Anne McCaffrey's "Pegasus" and "The Rowan." I voraciously consume anything on sci-fi (when I'm not working myself to death ...)
Science Fiction -- McCaffrey's Rowan Series, Pegasus Series, Dragon Series, PETABEE Series; Firestarter" by Stephen King was my Jr. High favorite."The Postman" by David Brin; Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale"; "Z is for Zachariah"; Dean Koontz' "Strangers" was awesome (got me in trouble with the granparents though!) and "From the Corner of His Eye" impressed me as well. Orson Scott Car'd's Ender series is a top favorite.
Heroes are not a well-ordered list; instead they shift and change moving with time and place. Holding a position of dominance for over long would ruin and displace their honorary grace. Thus, as my life touches others, moves through time and place, or even stands still and eventually repeats . . . my heroes too follow such patterns and become un-name-able in any list.
Those who have made a positive impact and have yet to seep from the overly porous surface of my memory are: Mr. B., Mrs. Thompson