♥L'al'a♥ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

About me... I cant tell u anything about myself by myself.. it wont be 100% true, not because i'm a liar and i want to look more nice and smart, just cause I trully belive that people have 3 characters.. 1st character is - that what others see in u, 2nd - is that u think u have, and the last one is ur real character! ))) so whatever i say it would be just 33.33333 of the true reality! ))) But now i'm telling u this 33.33333%... I'm kinda of easy-going person, i cant stand too serious people, cause u know.. "Life is not so easy as u think, it's much easier!"... So i really appreciate people with a good sense of humor!) I like... (unfortunatley my english is not soo good), so just in the main simple words... honest, kind, smart, and charming people! ;) Oki, sorry i started talking about who i'd like to meet hehh, but ok... Just one last thing about myself.. that's what is like my life rule(at least i'm trying to make it my rule) TREAT OTHER PEOPLE THE WAY U WANT TO BE TREATED BY THEM! Any ways, guys i hope u like my profile, enjoy the music the pics or the videos that u find here... whatever! I'm really glad to have more new friends! And honestly.. i allways try to reply messages... Ok... Bye-bye! it's nice to meet u, c u and take care. p.S. lol I ALLREADY LOVE U IF U READ ALL THIS STUFF TILL THE P.S. ~Olga aka Lala

Guys Like That You're Fun
You're the type of girl guys brag about knowing
That's because you're cool, funny, and laid back
You're smart enough to know how to be one of the guys
But flirty enough to know how to make them all want you What Do Guys Like About You? Profile Edited by ♥LaLa♥ HIt Me bAbY oNe moRe Time :D
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My Interests



img src="http://www.fileden.com/public/2006/11/21/45631e920195c4 41139777.jpg"What women want, Crank, City of Angels, Closer, The Transporter, Step Up...... hey so many!



My Blog

How Thoughtful

>>When things in your lives seem almost too much tohandle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough,remember the mayonnaise jar and the two cups ofcoffee.>>A professor stood before his philos...
Posted by ♥L'al'a♥ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST