Here's my story with a touch of sass~ I'm a Canadian chick from the West Coast but will be heading to the UK early in the new year on a working holiday visa. Whereabouts in the UK? I'm going to venture anywhere and everywhere, just forging my path as I go - if I'm lucky I may reach the farthest corners of here there and everywhere. For how long? Not a clue - could bea couple months, could be a couple of years. Why am I going? I'm restless and in dire need of some excitement. Why the UK? I should be able to get work there easily and I'm not bi-lingual. Most importantly, of all the places I could be, it's the place I feel to the core of me that I want to go... So... What will the next chapter of my story be?Stuff I make:
Billy Talent... spank me Ben...CANADA ROCKS
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