Movies,HORROR MOVIES!!!!,filmmaking in all its many forms and glories,music,books(reading...WOW!!!),comics,burlesque performers,pinups,horror,cemetaries,the deep dark woods,oldschool strippers,horror,zombies,cats,dogs,Ed Wood,Vampira,Tor Johnson,Old school horror actors and actresses,The Aztec Mummy,Santo,John Waters,getting a truly great kiss,more tattoos than laws allow,Famous Monsters Of Filmland,Rue Morgue,pain and suffering,happiness and joy,baby puppies and sunshine,Jesus,Satan,model kits,DVD collections,monster masks,old school Rock N Roll,beer,vodka,monster toys,kung fu movies,a womans feet,fetish stuff,chicks that wear glasses,horror,cartoons,old movies...blah,blah.......did I mention I like horror?
People with lower self esteem than me.Girls that like blood,gore,suffering and cheesy rubber monsters.Pinup models.Old school strippers.No-nonsense types thatll make me feel like 32.98.Actors.Actresses.Filmmakers.Makeup peeps.Fill in the rest._________,__________,________,____,____,_______, _______ and finally________!!!!
ROCK!ROCK!ROCK!,horror metal,horror punk,horror music in general,rockabilly,psychobilly,old halloween music,movie soundtracks,porno soundtracks,goth,punk,polkas!!! For further examples...check out the bands I have on my friends list...that'll help...
You can say I have a thing for horror movies in general!!!But I dig anything that dosent insult my intelligence.
Cheesy sitcoms,Family Guy,Simpsons,South Park,The Its Alive Show,My Name is Earl,Da Ali G Show,CSI type stuff,documentries,Seinfeld,Action,Dexter,Spaced,Adult Swim programming,the news.
Everything everyone has ever written.
To quote a friend...A hero aint nutting but a sandwich.