Admiral Crunch profile picture

Admiral Crunch

Make Me Admiral!

About Me

Ahoy! I've been fighting the soggies for over 30 years now, and Quaker Oats still has me at the rank of Cap'n. I think its time we told Quaker that I need a promotion! I would like the promotion of Admiral to be displayed upon my hat and my boxes of cereal. I have been tied down by the corporate chain long enough, with your friendship and comments and love, WE CAN CONVINCE QUAKER TO PROMOTE ME TO ADMIRAL.

Should Cap'n Crunch be promoted to Admiral Crunch?
Heck Yes!
Heck No!

Go to Cap'n and go to the "Talk to Us" section, then "Email" and send Quaker a note pleading my cause!

My Interests

Fighting Soggies, Protecting the Crunch Berries and Treasure

I'd like to meet:

The Evil General Soggie.
I tried before to be promoted by Sam Buck and John Andres but quaker didn't hear the 3,500 people's petition to promote me to ADMIRAL CRUNCH. HELP ME!! JOIN MY ARMY OF FRIENDS SO WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!


Pirates of the Carribean, Hook, Little Mermaid.


Treasure Island


Captain James Hook, Captain Jack Sparrow, General Patton