Finding the ultimate FNORD by not looking for it; but spend my time wondering if someone can convert you to SOLIPSISM? Is 'Koolly McKooll' a tmesised epizeuxis? [iz this a rhetorical question...abso***lutely, abso***lutely!]. Barba tenus sapientes
John Lilburne circa 1656; ~Schrodinger's cat (is it an oxymoggymoron?)~
Hmmm! I am pretty open-minded; I do find some opera over bearing, and 'experimental jazz' cacophonic, that may be due to my partial deafness!! (but hey~ the musicians and playerz enjoy it...)...The following list waz placed here by Tankgirl, so this is the kind of music vibes I give orf to my closest friend;...rob zombie, prodigy, ministry, depeche mode, delirium
2001, a space odyssey is always in my top 5; the other 4 are in constant flux!!!!!.
The Prisoner; Little Britain; Dr Who (although bringing back a dead character sounds lazy and sloppy [bringing back TWO is ****]) OK, I ADMIT DEFEAT, 'DR WHO' MANAGED TO PULL IT OFF IN SUPERB BRILLIANT STYLE; Vic Reeves;... I can not decide if 'Lost' is riveting coprolite, or far fetched trite [but I still watch it coz I iz sad]
I love the old 'Ladybird' books they are Koolly McKooll.
tanya 'tankgirrl slutikins' warwick. she's so cool!!! all hail to tanya 'tankgirrl slutikins' warwick. how we all bow at your beauty!!!! [may I reveal at this point, that I am zo sad that Tanya set this 'my space' up for me, and wrote this section????]