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About Me

Well here i go - i have 2 beautiful children Tyrell who is 6 and Shaynela who is 3. I moved here not long after having Tyrell and before that I was all over the place.Myself and my sister who is 3 yrs my junior went to live with my dad and his wife when I was 5, they went on to have alex who is now 16 and Nikkala 6.i also have a 19 yr old brother shane from my mums side. i got married at 23 and now at the ripe age of 27 i find myself a single mum of 2. But boy am i happier for it. I have a great family (my dads the best) and some really cool friends, oh and my freedom. I have had a reasonably difficult life but i believe that our experiences make us the people we become and I am stronger and more confident and happier than i remember. Well thats about me done except to say that I'm a bit scatty, mad- especially on a saturday nite!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ultimately it would have to be the man himself - Al pacino, but i would do with vin deisal, preferably naked. lol

My Blog

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