My MAIN interest, that comes before ANYTHING else in my life, is to bring up my daughter with love, security & happiness and a whole lot of fun! and I'm doing it! We are best friends, and will be forever.
Ebay... we all love it! I buy and sell.. all Sky's designer clothes that don't fit her anymore! Brillient!
My Soulmate. Simple as that.
I cannot deal with Horror films at all!
I'm a compleate wimp when it comes to them! so anything that does not envolve spooky ghosts, evil dead bodies creeping up behind you.. then I am all good!! But violence in a film is Scarface, Pulp Fiction, Sexy Beast, Goodfellas, Layer Cake, and then theres film like Forest Gump, Monster Inc, Borat! Blood diamond, Stand by me, Goonies as got be one of my favourites...erm but Hostel was way to much! I had to hide behind the bloody sofa!!!
mmm.. Lost when it was on...
Managing for Dummies and Copy for Dummies! honestly...these are good reads for anyone needing some help in these departments.
My Parents.