Right now, I have developed a dangerous obsession with costuming. *sigh* My poor budget. I love to read, play on my computer, be with my friends, and read some more. I generally love anything Japanese or Celtic, but only speak a little Japanese. Sewing is currently my pastime of choice, and my Hikitsu costume is coming along beautifully, if expensively...
Um...a good husband? Ha, ha. Yeah right. Seriously, right now, I'm reasonably happy at school, with my books, and have no celebrities on my list of must-meets. Of course, anime characters don't count, since the voice actor and the character are completely different. I'll think of someone eventually, I'm sure...
Most of my music comes from Japan, in Japanese. I love anime soundtracks, as well as music by current sensations like Ayumi Hamasaki and Megumi Hayashibara. Other than that, I love the Oldies (50's and 60's)! Celtic music also makes me very happy.
The old Star Wars, and all the Star Trek films. Indiana Jones 1 and 3 are among my all time favorites, and probably have at least a little to do with my pending archaeology degree. Also, I love the LOTR movies, and am perfectly okay with them being different from the books. Anything sci-fi will generally get watched at least once.
I've been dragged into watching Stargate: Atlantis, and must admit that there are amusing bits; Ronon and Dr, McKay tie for my favorite character. Other than that, I have a tremendous interest in Japanese anime, and watch it in all varieties (I don't like most English dubbing, though). Currently I'm working through Princess Tutu and Hundred Stories; I just finished Fushigi Yuugi, and I love it! (Check for me at AnimeFest dressed as Hikitsu)
Sci-fi anthologies are my personal friends. Also, the fantasy equivalent. LOTR was a lovely series the second time I read it. I'm ridiculously fond of the ST: Next Generation paper back books. Anything Asimov also makes me very happy...so do Japanese manga.
Um, personally? I'm guessing we're not talking the comic book kind... Drat...