Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] profile picture

Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs]

I've won hundreds at the track but I'm not bettin' on the after-life ...

About Me

I take great comfort in buildings; Buildings and my partner.

My Interests

Mason Jars & Brooklyn Stars; Cul-de-sacs; Wrap-around porches; Rope-swings; Roof-decks; Town-houses/brown-stones; Fire-places; Family & friends; Constitution State; Science & reason; History of science; drunk-brunch; Boston Red Sox & fox-dogs.

I'd like to meet:

... a Democratic majority in the House and Senate. Oh wait, we have that now. Probably a pet fox then. Or, failing that, a fox-dog. And a snow-day, sometime before christmas day. Or both, like this:


A mix of uplifting holiday classics & classic slow-jams. But also: Michael Bolton; National skyline; Jenny Lewis (w/ the Watson Twins)/Rilo Kiley; Bury your dead; the Grateful dead; the Promise ring; the One am radio; Bruce Hornsby; Brad paisley; Eightball & MJG; Prince; Matt pond Pa; Tears for fears; Vince Guaraldi trio; Owen; American football; American nightmare & the Slackers.


'Bull Durham'; '12 angry men'; 'Inherit the wind' & 'Jurassic park'.


'Freaks & Geeks' on dvd & old 'Twilight Zone' episodes


currently: 'the God Delusion' (by Richard Dawkins) & 'Hunting Dinosaurs (by Louie Psihoyos).



My Blog


I'm starting to see (and become rather embarassed) by how empoverished my affection is for works of fiction.  I think I've spent a majority of my life trying to decipher what it is that I feel is...
Posted by Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:46:00 PST

Karen Owens

Can omniscient God, who Knows the future, find The omnipotence to Change His future mind?...
Posted by Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 11:39:00 PST

Jill Mytton and KK

"... Dawkins meets the psychologist Jill Mytton who suffered an abusive religious upbringing  she now helps to rehabilitate similarly affected children. Mytton explains how, for a child, images of he...
Posted by Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 08:06:00 PST

You know ...

I think when it comes down too it, my goal in life is to move to Provincetown, Mass. in Cape Cod and own an art gallery with Missy and our fox-dogs.
Posted by Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 06:51:00 PST

Still think John McCain is the conservative liberals love?

He's just hired as his Campaign Manager the guy who was responsible for the racist Harold Ford ad - the one with the white woman telling Harold to call her !  Read more here: Naked Ambition...
Posted by Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 05:44:00 PST

Test; from

Landover Baptist Academy for the Saved FINAL HISTORY EXAM CLASS:  History of Liberals Ruining America TEACHER: Your Parents' Choice for all of their Real Estate Needs: Mrs. Marge ...
Posted by Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 07:02:00 PST

Daniel Dennett

Read this: it is fascinating.
Posted by Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 09:33:00 PST


... maybe I'm done with this city and crave the convenience of parking lots & cul-de-sacs.  I mean, sometimes I feel like that; like no matter how cool it is to say you live in New York ...
Posted by Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 01:42:00 PST

Irony and Chomsky

Chomsky elucidated a very important concept, namely that when an indivisual commits a crime (say, murder), they are subject to the 'rule of law', but when a nation-state does it or, at least, when a W...
Posted by Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:16:00 PST

post new blog

... I think maybe I never believed it to begin with - maybe I just believed in belief or craved the juxtaposition of civil society, the scientific method and the thick irrationality of supernaturalism...
Posted by Geoffrey [loves Missy and dinosaurs] on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 02:01:00 PST