Discovering, Investigating, Exploring and Expirementing with Paranormal Activity as well as "Hauntings" and "Haunted" places, EVPs , photographic and/or video evidence of paranormal activities. NETWORKING with other Paranormal groups and Paranormal Research people out there.
People who know of and the locations of "haunted " places or places of Paranormal Activity. Places located in New England. Be it Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Newhapshire or Maine. People who share our interests in the Paranormal. We would also like to meet and NETWORK with other Paranormal groups and Paranormal Research people out there.
Q. What Does E.M.F. stand for?
A. Electro Magnetic Field
Q. What is E.M.F. Detector?
A. EMF Detector - A device that measures and detects changes in the electromagnetic field. A common device used by ghost hunters. The EMF detector is also known as a Gauss Meter or a magnetometer.
In most houses, the highest EMF readings are caused by electrical equipment. EMF meters can easily detect these energy fields around electrical equipment. For example, televisions, light bulbs, computers, and everything with electrical wiring produces artificial EMFs. It’s easy to identify these fields, since they stay constant and are always around the wiring that causes them. However, in haunted places, the EMFs found can be very different.
At a haunted location, distinct, erratic, fluctuating EMFs are commonly found. It seems these energy fields have some definite connection to the presence of ghosts. The exact nature of that connection is still a mystery. However, the anomalous fields are easy to find. Whenever you locate one, a ghost might be present, although the environmental conditions will not allow the specter to appear to the naked human senses. When you find a strange, inconsistent EMF, that’s a great time to make a photo of the area. The developed print may show an apparition. Any other type of ghost detection, be it in the visual/audio, or other realms, is usually also most successful when these strange EMFs are present.
Q. What is EVP?
A. EVP - or Electronic Voice Phenomena - is a mysterious event in which human-sounding voices from an unknown source are heard on recording tape, in radio station noise and other electronic media. Most often, EVPs have been captured on audiotape. The mysterious voices are not heard at the time of recording; it is only when the tape is played back that the voices are heard. Sometimes amplification and noise filtering is required to hear the voices. Some EVP is more easily heard and understood than others. And they vary in gender (men and women), age (women and children), tone and emotion. They usually speak in single-words, phrases and short sentences. Sometimes they are just grunts, groans, growling and other vocal noises. EVP has been recorded speaking in various languages.