diane profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

soooo who am I ????hhhmmm tricky question to answer really as I’m not always entirely sure who I am from one moment to the next. In fact, I'm certain i have a touch of multiple personality syndrome in me somewhere lol...

but i will start with my name.... its Diane im 34 yrs old and live in the UK. I am married to my long term partner of 10 yrs Paul ..we have 2 girls..theres the basic facts...
I do feel that I am funny, although maybe people are laughing at me rather than with me ...who knows...but i find myself hilarious....*see i just made myself laugh*
My humor is probably desribed as wry and sarcastic, though it is quite fun to just plain laugh at the silliness of things lots of times. so i like to learn new things...as long as they arent too taxing of course..
you might have noticed there are alot of purdy images on my page...its what i do..I make stuff in Paintshop pro and or photoshop. I make tags * the images you see on my page are known as tags* and i also make Scrap book kits for taggers. like digital scrap booking but on a smaller scale. you can see more of all the purdy stuff and some PSP tutorials and freebies to download as well as a couple of special edition scrap kits for £1 each, on my website - Candys Treats.
however if you love a freebie ..i know i do lol then you can visit my Blog where i update regualy with free scrap stuffies that I make.Here is a list of my official sites that I am attached to:

My official site

My official blog

The Sirens Forum Site

MySpace snags

Paul, my hubby, has written a book ...take a peek and if its your cup of tea then click on the link below and order a copy now. It's available at Amazon, WHSmith etc... Thn

My Interests

psp i make tags for friends and family you will see some of my handiwork dispayed on this page.I am a proud © safe tagger......which means i only use art that i either have permission from the artist to do so or i have purchased the right to do so via a company like CILM which is a tube company run by Anthony Guerra a fantastic artist himself that promotes artists and helps taggers become © compliant in the PSP tagging community

I have too many fav artists too mention..I only use art that i have permission or a license to use so thanks to all the artists that have graciously granted me permission

I'd like to meet:

I dunno i have met some amazing people already so i guess i would have to say my internet 'friends', i speak to them quite a bit, probably as much as my 'real' friends but have never met them lol



I like alot of different types of music but at the moment my favs include Pink, niclkleback, Evanessence, pussycat dolls, Fergi, One Republic to name a few..but i like alot of songs from different artists...


Lord of the rings is one of my fav all time movies, as well as Pirates of the Caribbean....you gota love Jack Sparrow!, Forest Gump,Braveheart, Gladiator, 300.... I like alot going on in a movie...you get the idea lol


I like alot of good programmes like CSI , Lost and Las Vegas, stargate, Greys anatomy, heroes..Dexter and if i name any more you will that i swatch wayyyy to much TV lol


fav authors are David Eddings and Terry Goodkind i cant not mention my hubbys book Coding of a concrete Animal available at all good book stores now. TBH its not my cup of tea..way too gritty for me ..I am more of a fantasy type of reader hence my fav authors being from that catagory.... but if you like that type of book then it may be worth a look..... if you would like a signed copy visit his website


I dont really have any ''heroes'' as such...I believe there are many real life heroes who are all everyday regulart joes...like great Mothers and fathers, Firefighters, and just good people that make a difference in your life.

My Blog

random facts

*Rules*1. Post these rules.2. Each person must post 8 random facts about them.3. Tags should write a journal/blig of these facts.4. At the end of the post, 8 people get tagged and named.5. Go to their...
Posted by diane on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 11:56:00 PST

Random facts about me

random facts about me..... I am a little hard to get to know......although immensly silly when you know me One of my most enjoyable jobs was as a bouncer I can kick ass but dont like to fight I am a D...
Posted by diane on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 08:24:00 PST