stuff - lots of it
GHOSTBUSTERS - The whole film
Indiana Jones + Temple of Doom
Jamaicans, Mitsubishi owners, homosexuals with their own teapots,
racists, AIDS sufferers, computer analysts, photographers, toenail collectors,
slags, sluts, fat blokes, singers, turntablists, people with bouffant hair, broken nosed chiefs,
people who had dreads, people who had long hair, people with long hair,
people who walk, people without legs, lepers, people who cant stop dribbling,
junkies, exhibitionists, insecure people, and cats.
Metal HipHop D&B Pop Funk Blah Blah
something with edge - whether it be smooth or heavy, dance based or metal or hip hop
there has got to be some talent to it, and at the moment there are too many talented bands being overlooked - oh well!
Anchorman, Kung Pow, The Incredibles, Matrix, Memento, The Sting, Shawshank Redemption, LOTR Trilogy, Pirates of the Carribean, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Pixar films, Action/Comedy/Thrillers
This isnt a full list of my favourites - but i cant go into it - i have about 150-200 dvds and vids - so lets leave it there!!
Office, 24, 80s cartoons, Dogtanian, Transformers, Mysterious Cities of Gold, Ulysees, MASK, Thundercats, Willie Fogg, Sport in general, The Fast Show, Have I got news for You, Who's Line, Spooks, 24, Blackadder, Red Dwarf, Derren Brown, Jimmy Carr, Fawlty Towers, The Fast Show, Bottom, The Young Ones, Only Fools.., Men Behaving Badly, Friends, Neighbours!, Adam and Joe, Yes Minister, Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, American Dad, My Name is Earl, Drawn Together - etc etc etc
Terry Pratchett, David Gemmel, Garth Nix, Artemis Fowl, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Historical, Factual
Some Funny Sketches that were WAY too hard to upload all to mygay!
Heroes? More like people who inspire/d me and have affected me:
My mum (aw), Kenia Serrano, Trotsky, Paul Warhurst, Derren Brown, teachers at my schools: Mike Nalewajko, Andy Bratt, Paul Dearson, Jim Jeffries, Dave Gorman
is a Giant Robot that CANNOT BE STOPPED, can Leap Great Distances, is Susceptible to Electrical Damage, and has Crablike Pincers.
Strength: 11 Agility: 8 Intelligence: 13
To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat Ush, enter your name and choose an attack:
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