Literature Music, Nihilism, Nightlife, Black Humor, Narcotics, The Stockholm Syndrome, Backgammon, The Spanish Civil War, History... And my only hope is to become hopeless************************* What goes on up there? What measures the affliction? What weighs the iron? Is it a chance system? A roulette wheel? Is that where the die got its name? Or is there a pattern? ... Was God taking a bath? Ah'm asking you. Or was there first the system and then the creation? Is the system mathematical? Is it numerical? Or maybe alphabetical? 'Today is "P" day - widespread Pestilence, some Progroms, a variety of Plagues, a Purge and a Prickly Pear...' Soon ah will know. (Nick Cave)************************************
************************************************* junkies of many kinds ************************************************************ *****
******************Opium... Nadja... Fuck off America... The Anthology of Black Humor... A Scanner Darkly... The Stranger... Menschliches, allzu Menschliches... Jenseits von Gut und Böse... The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe... The Master and Margarita... The Bad Seed... Der Steppenwolf... Stiller... The Subterreneans... Tristessa... Notes of a Dirty Old Man... One Dimensional Man... Invisible man... One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest... Moby Dick... Bartleby... Tropic of Cancer... Insomnia... Mother Night... Brave New World... 1984... 1985... A la Recherche du Temps Perdu... L'Age de Raison... Arc De Triomphe... Der Schwarze Obelisk... Vladimir Sorokin... Douglas Adams... and Samuel Beckett in general... Ray Bradbury... Calvin and Hobbes... Alice in Wonderland... Les Fleurs du Mal... some stories by Charles Baudelaire... what have you... Nausea...