Lances With Wolves profile picture

Lances With Wolves

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Lance.....ahaaah.....he'll save everyoneofus!!!" (Queen?? Hmmm...) Yes, the government is lying to us. Yes, there are extraterrestrials. Yes, they helped us make the pyramids. Yes, we become sub-atomic particles in an alternate universe when our vehicles we know as bodies die. And, yes, Steven Hawking likes to listen to Slayer and Fugazi. My name is Lance. I play bass in a band called theSTART. I am a jaded, bitter, sober, almost-vegan excuse for a struggling Los Angeles musician. First, as a little kid I was the singer for a punk band called P.O.W. We played with all sorts of early bands that shaped the punk rock scene of our day like: NOFX, D.R.I., Aggression, Adolescents, Youth of Today, Neurosis, Christ on Parade, Agnostic Front, M.D.C., Govornment Issue, Gang Green, Final Conflict, Justice League and a shit-load more (if I'm forgetting some band that was GOOD or not a bunch of ASSHOLES, let me know). Then a few years later I was the singer/guitarist in a band called Man Will Surrender (Equal Vision Rec's) and, more recently, The Art of Safecracking. TAOS just broke up and we all moved on, and so I do theSTART thing. I've said "next year i'm going back to school" every year for the last 9 years, but really, I'm going back to school next year!! I think.... I read speculative and conspiracy theory books...usually 4-5 at the same time and never finish one.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

New, used and pre-owned humans with similar interests, or sarcastic, witty, humorous anecdotes to entertain the depressed, confused and spinning mind i call my brain.
Here is a video by some schmucks called The Art of Safecracking:
"The Gravitation Subsides" Directed by Anthony Scarpa from Twelve Rakes on Vimeo . Oh, so you thought the Ramones started punk rock, ehhh?? Well, think again.


Fugazi, The Red Light Sting, Mastadon, Jim Croce, Christie Front Drive, Death Cab for Cutie, The Evens, Spoon, Slayer, Crass, Blonde Redhead, Converge, Explosions in the Sky, Les Savy fav, Discharge, Death From Above 1979, Drive Like Jehu, Liars, Mogwai, Q and not U, Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower, Blood Bro's, ATDI, old Corrosion of Conformity, etc


Blade Runner, Caddyshack, Amadaus, Once Upon a Time in America (4 hour version), Fletch, Man Bites Dog, Friday, Grace, Time Bandits, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, etc.


Ghost Hunters, Lost, Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Dexter...


"The Message of the Sphinx" by Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval, "Dharma Punx" by Noah Levine, "The Key", "Communion", and almost every book by Whitley Streiber, "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs, etc...


The Universe, The Buddha Siddhartha, and Finally Me!

My Blog

New Sexually Transmitted Disease (gee, thanks Mario)

CDC Warning The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a virulent new strain of a Sexually Transmitted Disease. The disease is contracted through dangerous and high-risk behavior. The d...
Posted by Lances With Wolves on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:20:00 PST

I'm playing Bass for theSTART

Hey all, My buddy, Erick Sanger, went back to Austin, TX so I am now playing bass in theSTART.  Don't know if it's permanent, but we be playin' a few good shows!  We're playing CMJ in NY the...
Posted by Lances With Wolves on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 03:23:00 PST