One of Canada's most creative musical minds on the verge of releasing his debut album "The Legacy of Matt Black Ch.1".
Which as you can see with this page, he's been givin rave reviews.Matt Black Comes to us raw and broken, with the kind of acoustics that sends chills down our spine. Almost like he re-opens old wounds, and then heals them completly with the mystical powers he posses's with his music. He also has made a point to be intamite and interactive with us, as his biography "Memoirs Of The NEW Man In Black" is the booklet of his album. Matt goes above and beyond for his listeners, when i asked him....
"What do u think ur music offers to your fans?
He replied " what music has offered me, hope.""Matt Black has been known to compress musical elements of soul acoustics and hiphop beats, but when he puts them together, the final product is "indescribable of genre".So Lets be there for Matt through leaving our opinions as he is there for us in his songs and in allowing us to come along for the ride.Thanx Matt Black!
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