DazerOne69R profile picture


she's my fill in to my outline...

About Me

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ I started writing a lot of different names at first, shit like my name real name and my street number or apt number usually something of significance. But when I got serious about graffiti, it must've been like '97 or '98 when I really started to pay attention to what was on the walls I decided that I would need to pick something that really explained whom I was and where my mind was. As a kid I remember moms telling me I would always be caught in a daze, just staring off into nowhere, and that always stuck in my head. So from then on I decided that I would write DAZE, and since I didn't have a crew ONER was the next obvious thing to do. This time I was also meeting new people and trying to get my shine. I starting writing on buses in about late '98 early '99 and realized that it wasn't really my thing, and gravitated toward the piece and it fascinated me like nothing else. By the summer of '99 I had gotten myself into trouble that had nothing to do with graffiti and I had to do some community service. This would change everything that I new or could ever know and would change my life.I met one of the first and coolest man on the planet and I owe my graffiti career. He wrote RODERONE69. He posed the question as to why I hadn't really picked a solid name and style to work on, and I told him I didn't know too much about pieces and he turned me on to subway art and spraycan art and that just set it off for me, cuz here I could just sit and examine how these wonderful things that were happening with these letters, colors, characters. It just changed the game for me cause this was where I wanted to go. He hung out for the rest of the summer and it turned out the I would end up chilling with a lot more after community service was over and he would school on certain things except actual painting cuz he wanted me to just show him what I knew already and helped me tune in and turn out. So when I started piecing seriously I started writing DazerOne69R. DAZE cuz that's what I was writing and added the R and One69 to give respect to the man that put me on my way to where gotten.RESPECT AND BIG BIG UPS TO THE ORIGINAL ONE69R...THIS IS LIFE POST-RODERISM----------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------

My Interests

EVERYTHING ART from DONDI to DALI, good food (DAZER loves to eat ;), kickin it with my boys, reading mags and books... Kingpen - Qaulity Pens

I'd like to meet:



Wild Style, Subway Art, Cope2 video, FX video, Fight Club, Goodfellas, Carlito's Way, American Me, Blood In Blood Out, Training Day, Mi Familia, American History X, Higher Learning, The Warriors



One Hundred Years of Solitude, Chicanoismo, Always Running, Drink Cultura, Mexican-American, American-Mexican: From Conquistador to Chicano


My parents, much sacrifice to get to where they got me, Love them dearly. Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Bob Marley, the blastmaster KRS-One, Dondi White, Salvador Dali, Ceasar Chavez, Corky Gonzalez, and of course Mumia Abu-Jamal

My Blog

vote for this on www.current.tv

this message need air time:...
Posted by DazerOne69R on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 07:27:00 PST

Immigration Debate

.. width="425" height="350">..>...
Posted by DazerOne69R on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 02:17:00 PST

some venting

well it seems like it's another sleepless night and i find myself here on this blasted machine and on myspace yet again...wat 2 do wat 2 do??? well shit continue i guess...so life's pretty interesting...
Posted by DazerOne69R on Mon, 22 Aug 2005 12:50:00 PST

Here is something a friend wrote.... Thought it migh enlighten a few of you...

A POSTCARD FROM COMPASSIONATE LAND Robert T. Green 2-14-2004 Sitting in the Starbucks at 2nd and Central, I overheard a pert, hawkish woman lamenting with her family as to the increased numbe...
Posted by DazerOne69R on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

If you were living in Los Angeles a hundred years ago:

You would take the streetcar to work. Another streetcar might kill you when you got off. You would work six days a week. If you were a bank clerk you would work Saturday nights. If you...
Posted by DazerOne69R on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

a lil something to think about

Eye in the sky (or on the floor) GCN | April 4, 2005 By William Jackson New surveillance tool can provide officers with a third eye Remington Arms Co. Inc. of Madison, N.C., is launching...
Posted by DazerOne69R on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST