A dark night in Los Angeles finds 2 young graffiti writers wandering the streets. This is not an unusual occurrence in this city, however this night in particular would prove to be more than unusual.
The two find themselves in the shadow of an old mom and pops hardware store. After massaging the lock, they would find inside a treasure so vast, the young ones didn't know what to do. As their eyes adjust to the darkness pallets of solidified paint markers come into focus. An almost never ending sea of capped vandalism appears before them. The industrious duo proceed to move out each and every pallet until all that is left in the hardware store is tools and candy for the kiddies.
With such a haul, it wasn't possible for either of them to use up their stash in their entire lifetime. While always keeping their eye to the street the two decided to sell their bounty cheap as dirt to all the homies. After a few years of this, they still had more markers then they knew what to do with.
And so The Mean Streak King is born, bringing you the very cheapest prices on the net, on the streets or anywhere for all your solid paint markers.
Check us out on the web, www.streakking.com