Michael profile picture


Nush nushy!

About Me

Hey myspacites. My name is Mike. I sing lead vocals in a band called West of Seven (http://www.myspace.com/westofseven). Being on stage is the best feeling, and I hope to one day make it a career. In the meantime, I'm a computer consultant 9-5er to pay the bills. I was born in Vermont, so I appreciate nature and the country; but I always knew I would end up back in NYC. My mom's side was 4 generations of NYCers, and my Dad's side was 3 generations of NYCers. They were the flower children that wanted to get away from the city life. I used to come visit every summer when I was growing up. It's funny, because I saw NYC as what a city is supposed to look like. So, when I went to my first other city (Philly), I was amazed at how much smaller it was. I went to school at Wake Forest in NC. I've also spent at least 3 months living in each of the following states: IL, MO, MA, and PA. I love to travel. I've spent a good amount of time in Spain. It's my favorite country. I like going to the rural old towns that haven't been caught up in progress and modernization. I've been to several other countries as well. You can ask me about it if you're interested. I moved to NYC 6 years ago, and I just bought my first apt 2 years ago. I can't deny that I'm excited about it. I love to fix things, and I have many projects in progress in the apartment, and even more ideas. I just need the budget to catch up with my imagination. I'm big on family. I am very close to my Mom and Dad even though they live in VT still. I'm half italian and half irish (with a pinch of brazilian). I love music (obviously since I'm in a band). I'll list the rest of my interests in the section to the left. Send me a note to find out more. There's definitely lots to learn.

My Interests

I have many interests. I like to play my guitar and sing. I like to write lyrics and music. I love music in any form. I like to dance, drink, and socialize. I like playing soccer and volleyball. Shooting pool, bowling, bike riding, running, and lifting weights are always a good time. I like to swim, travel, sleep, watch movies, play video games, and surf the internet. I love to read. I like working with my hands and learning new skills. I'll try to learn anything I can so that I am more knowledgable. I have been reading on electrical work and plumbing since I bought my apartment. There are many more things; but if I list them all, then there will be nothing for you to discover.

I'd like to meet:

I'm down to meet whomever. I wouldn't mind finding some chill chicas to go out on the town with, but don't be scared to write if you're a dude either. You can never have enough friends. As far as what I look for in a girl... She has to be independent and ambitious, but I'm not looking for extremes of any kind. Basically I like women who are smart, have an opinion, and aren't afraid to speak their mind. Honesty is obviously number 1. I like open minded people. No one that is too consumed with their religion (doesn't mean religion is not allowed, I just don't like evagelists). I'll leave the rest up in the air. For friends, it's best to just see who clicks and who doesn't. I have tons of friends who go against what I think I would want in a friend. Shit just happens that way.


Music is a huge part of my life. I like a little bit of everything. As a generalization I prefer Rap and Hip Hop the most, then rock, then techno, and so on down the line. But, my taste is very ecclectic. I've been listening to some Bobby Darin lately. I like MOP, Mob Deep, Busta Rhymes, Musiq, Tribe Called Quest, Ludacris, 50 Cent, Incubus, Jet, Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Stone Temple Pilots, etc, etc, etc. No point in listing them all. Just giving you a basic idea.


I love watching movies. Growing up in Vermont there wasn't much else to do when the weather wasn't ideal. There are too many to list. I'm partial to the Star Wars Series, and to the Matrix Trilogy. I also like Satrday Night Fever. I love a good comedy or action flick, but I will watch most anything. My netflix account is put to good use.


Used to not watch TV...since it was a big time waster. Unfortunately I found myself hooked on Lost, Heroes, Prison Break, 24, and The Office. Thanks god I don't have cable or I would never leave the house. In college I watched cartoon network, comedy central, animal planet, discovery channel, or music videos. I probably would still watch those things if I had cable.


I love to read. I will read most any topic, but I tend to veer towards fantasy books. I figure if I'm going to escape reality into a book, then I better make it as far from reality as possible. My new favorite series is "A Man of His Word" by David Duncan. I also enjoy George RR Martin, Robert Jordan, Teryy Brooks, Tad Williams, Terry Goodkind, John Sandford, David Baldacci, and John Grisham.


This is a hard question. I've never really thought of it before. I guess my grandma is a pretty big hero of mine. My uncle (her son) was handicapped at 19, and she spent her whole life caring for him. She's in her 80's now, and could probably run circles around me. I've never seen such an active person of her age. My parents are also high on my list. They are amazingly understand, and very open minded. I'm not sure I could ever be as open minded as they could. Their parenting led to an open relationship where I feel comfortable telling them almost anything, and still don't misbehave much. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now.