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This profile was PIMPED at ..
Tara (Boozey), the rest in no particular order: music, alcohol, Yankees, Giants ..
The guy (or girl) who cant wait to put us on their label
I'll just run my CD's off the top of my head: Alice In Chains, Audioslave, Beastie Boys, Black Sabbath, Johnny Coltrane, G. Love, Cypress Hills, DMB, Led Zep, Foo Fighters, Steely Dan, Rush, Sting, Police, Who, Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam,...Im all over the place, but at least you have a good idea
Godfather, Gangs of NY, Raging Bull, French Connection, Platoon, Reservoir Dogs, Bourne Identity/Supremacy, The Warriors....I do like a good comedy every now and then...Blazing Saddles, Strange Brew, Austin Powers, Pee Wee's Big Adventure (classic)....
Sopranos, Rescue Me, and Sports.....and whenever VH1 classic plays Zeppelin clips....
Power Broker, Rise and Fall of NY and Robert Moses....Hammer of the Gods, story of Led Zeppelin.....Namath....The Westies.....Room Full of Mirrors, the biography of Jimi Hendrix
Prosciutto & Mozzarella on Semolina