PHoEniX - Lord Of Da FLoOr profile picture

PHoEniX - Lord Of Da FLoOr

- From Da Ending To Da Ending.. Never Got To Begin -

About Me

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Hey Yo Whadd Up... That's Me And That's My World... Welcome to my place to Somewhere I belong , Whether it's on earth or in Heaven.. =) I'm reagular boy who always thinking about " Who am I and Where's my true self ?" However, that truth have always eluded me until now... So I keep looking for the answers... And I always thinking to be the best !

I am just a normal guy who revolves around the world of art and Love...unfortunately love can never understand my heart.. It always makes confused and keeps me finding the meaning of love itself..

I Luv Hip Hop,Break Dance N Also Graffiti too..

Respect For All friendly People

Respect For All Of u B'Boys [Especialy Power Muve]

FUCK & HATED For MATRE GirL, Manja,Not On Time [Go 2 HELL]


Love For Doin Trouble wit My Fellas

Love for Saying explicit words like "F**K"

One Words Just Life For Life !!!

"Thats Me...Yes Iam... Juan Shino Gosetsuke.. Im 18 years Old.." Ill Grew up At Indonesian-Bali Since 17 years And Now I Live Back At Surabaya For My Study At Cyber University.. I'll be the BEZT from all of you..THIS IS MY SIN...A Sin that I will never forgive, Because I want to be smarter than all of you... ! my curiosity always haunts my road...this is my destiny to be someone useful to others..

I will always find a time where I can laugh again and find an angel who can fly me to skies....where the world can be full of happiness and laughter.. me and her...
I'm so Interestin into the world of "BREAK DANCE".. It's my life style ! There's no day without dancing in my life...I will never leave the dance floor without any movement... =)

Ngga Perlu diraguin kalo setiap orang yang kenal gw pasti tau gw Ga sempurna, BUT His blood on da Cross Made Me Perfect =)

Kalo gw bisa jalan sampe sejauh ini bukan karena kuat dan hebatnya gw.. semua kehidupan,skill,talent,niat,wisdom itu cuma pinjeman dari surga..

"Let My Deeds Reflects your blessing From above,Thank You Lord"

"where I live, that's who I am"

Thnx For all..

minna daijoobu yo.. No One Can Fight GOD

God Blezt..

Best Regrads...


My Interests

BREAK DANCE ! Love And Interest With PowerMuve Session,Playing Guitar, Piano, Playing PC,PS,Bling Bling,Make Some Tag At wall, Bombing,Lil Virus Making,Hacking,Mbadog,Dating,Ice Cream Happy Hippo,Japanese Gurl =),liyat Film AV ,Visual Kei Lover,Lavender

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ.. My Dearest Father In Da Heaven Who Give Me skill,Tallent And Life

BASTARD PERSON Who has Find A Mathematic Lesson !

All Of Bombers.. All Of Breakers.. B'Boys & B'GurLs Around Da WorLd [Especially power Muve] B'BoY KAKU & B'BoY THE END

My parents, who always being patient and spoils me from just a little boy until now. I want to repay ur kindness.. Im love u so much/

My Dearest friends who knows me and I used to know..who I can never say One by one. U guys are the spot that fills my empty space and makes me think Im never alone,.. [Especially For FX]

All Of Guitarist & Music Lovers


And last, for an Angel that dissapointed me so much, and made me feel such an excruciating pain..

Wanna Chat?

msn:[email protected]

ym :[email protected]

God Blezt



Break Beat,Hip Hop,Hip Rock,Rap,Mozart,J-rock,J-pop,Gazzete,Dir en Grey,AN-Cafe,Utada Hikaru,Underground,Saint Loco,Marilyn Manson,i'LL Nino,Classic,Tatu-Gomenasai,Dangdutan,Techno And All Kind Of Music Yg Beat nya asekk & bisa dibuat ngebreaking


Lord Of The Floor,BoTy Series,Burning Floor,StyLe 2 Ouf,Free StyLe Session,UK-Bboy,Total Session, Expression,Chelles pro 07,IBE 07,Honey,U Got served,Ghetto Dawg 2,Save da Last dance 1-2,Bomb The System,Stomp The Yard,Kicking it Old Skool,Chocolate Rap,All Of Japanese Muvie,Death Note,GTO,Gokusen 1-2,1 Litre Of tears, Drama,Hentai,AV idols


MTV,Let's Dance,Pimp My Ride,Fear Factor,Tom And Jerry, Casper,Filem yg "Begitulah",Komedi Nakal tengah malam


Back Spin MaGazine,BoMbing Black Book,Hip Hop Perlawanan dari Ghetto,Hacking Is Easy,Tehnik hacking 1-2,Internet hacking,Mengenal Hacking,Google Hacking,Penetrasi Hacker, Pembobol kartu kredit,HTTP Attack,Computer And Security, Hack,4 Hari Menjadi Hacker,Belajar Membuat Virus,And Other Else bout hacking,Shinchan,Death Note,Manga2 Hentai,FHM,Zigma
