HealthyChocolate profile picture



About Me

Hi! My name is Carissa and I'm trying to get the word out about Healthy Chocolate! I'm now based in New York City and I'm on a mission to bring it to the world!

Why should you be interested in any of this? I don't know! I've never met you so I don't know what is important for YOU to achieve. All I know is I've been using this chocolate and I've lost 15 pounds ACCIDENTALLY within 2 months. Karen from Utah has been eating this chocolate and she's not only lost weight, her skin is looking better and she's eating less fast food. Jeanine from Japan has been eating this chocolate and she reported feeling relaxed and spiritually satiated. "This stuff is better than Godiva!!And you can quote me on that!" (Thanks Jeanine, you've been quoted :D)

Prior to getting started in Xocai as a business, Patrick was a college level English teacher with low job security and a son who is on his way to college and therefore needed a way to pay for it all. Patrick got started, got properly trained and is now on his way to getting out of the day to day job grind, he's getting money to pay for his son's college education, AND his health is improving as a side benefit.

Are you tired of reading all these stories about OTHER people's successes? Then contact me and let's get started on creating YOUR success story. Visit my site at . From there email me and we will figure out how we can work together to achieve YOUR goals. Visit my site today!!Don't put your goals off another day.

If you are interested in recent research detailing the benefits of dark chocolate or even The Law of Attraction, keep an eye on my blogs. The rates of heart disease and obesity and related problems are rising way more than they should be, and I think it's best to keep ourselves armed with information so that we can protect our friends and loved ones. I will update as often as possible with blurbs and new research as I come across them.

For immediate info gratification check out the below video for an intro to Xocai, the Healthy Chocolate. The third video is a testimonial by Jon McBride about his incredible weghtloss journey using Xocai. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Chocolate (of course:D), spending time with friends and family, reading, sci-fi,traveling, studying the ways of the world.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with any of the following interests:helping people deal with obesity,diabetes, or heart related issues, Xocai; ,using the Law of Attraction in their life,travelling, increasing their income and/or free time , , helping others improve the quality of their lives in general, networking, and working together to create profitable businesses.


Michael Jackson, Kelly Clarkson, Evanescence,Gwen Stefani, Asian Kung Fu Generation, Sean Paul, LL Cool J,J Lo,My Chemical Romance...just to name a few. I love 80's music and anything else that's ear catching.


The Secret, What the Bleep do we know, The Lord of The Rings Trilogy,Star Wars(Episode III totally made up for Eps I & II),Star Trek:First Contact,Underworld...Basically anything that is action,sci-fi or includes vampires.


24 (who isn't watching that show?),Star Trek:TNG,Angel,Buffy,Xena..I generally fall into a lot of sci-fi or vampire shows and the occasional soap opera. The Young and the Restless most of the time, but sometimes I may get sucked into an episode of Days of Our Lives.


The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, the Merry Gentry Series and the Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamilton, The Celestine Prophecy, Eat Pray Love,The Alchemist...


Anyone who stares reality in the face and keeps on going despite the negativity and resistance that stares back at them.

My Blog

Heart Beat: A square of chocolate keeps the doctor away?

This article is courtesy of From Harvard Health Publications Get ready for the onslaught of ads promoting chocolate as a wonder food for the heart: A carefully conducted German trial has show...
Posted by HealthyChocolate on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 01:48:00 PST

Xocai Opportunity Meetings

If you're interested in learning more about Xocai and you have a DSL or cable modem connection and a free phone line, check out these web meetings. The speaker is Paul Engemann, one of Xocai's to...
Posted by HealthyChocolate on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:27:00 PST

Where am I going?

Today it totally struck me that I have not really introduced myself to anyone who may be reading these blogs. My name is Carissa, and I have been teaching in Japan for 2 years, which is where I still ...
Posted by HealthyChocolate on Thu, 03 May 2007 10:00:00 PST

What's a Superfood? entid=100159956&imageindex=1 The above link will lead you to an informative slide show on MSN about some Superfoods and their health ben...
Posted by HealthyChocolate on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 07:27:00 PST

Law of Attraction Blunders

..> ..> This article is printed from Positive Thinking and Self TalkDo You Make These "Law of Attraction" Blunders?By Bob DoyleNov 8, 2004 Learning about the "Law of Attract...
Posted by HealthyChocolate on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:39:00 PST

Dark Chocolate is healthy chocolate

Dark Chocolate Is Healthy Chocolate Dark Chocolate Has Health Benefits Not Seen in Other Varieties By Daniel J. DeNoon WebMD Medical News Aug. 27, 2003 -- Got high blood pressurehigh blood pressure...
Posted by HealthyChocolate on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:50:00 PST

Excerpt of an article about Dark Chocolate and Fatigue

..> ..> Dark chocolate beats fatigue, studyBy Catherine Boal 12/20/2006- Further evidence of the health benefits of chocolate has come to light in a new study - giving manufacturers yet another rou...
Posted by HealthyChocolate on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:45:00 PST

Japanese study on chocolate and diabetes

Cocoa polyphenols may offer diabetes benefits - studyBy Stephen Daniells3/21/2007 - Dietary supplementation with cacao liquor proanthocyanidins (CLPr) reduced blood glucose levels in obese diabetic mi...
Posted by HealthyChocolate on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST

Cocoa, not tea, calms blood pressure, study says

Cocoa, not tea, calms blood pressure, study says .. .. Mon Apr 9, 4:12 PM ET CHICAGO (Reuters) - Some may see a cup of tea as soothing but chocolate is more likely to lower one's blood pressure, G...
Posted by HealthyChocolate on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:03:00 PST