When I was junior high school student, I started to study English.And then,I believed that the English thacher must be a young woman,with beauty and has sexy voice(like Beyonce).And She surely says "Repeat after me."
But My Class's thacher was an Old Man(like.FrankSinatra).In the moment I lost all of my motivations,and first half a year,I couldn't have believed that He is an English Thacher.
This is the becaouse,that my English is sometime strange.I will say "Marry X'mas"in November. Could you notice my Big Mistakes?
In this time,I have no mistake in English,but this column's space is not a space which I wroted.Everybody write more cool things.I do rewrite.
a Professional Composer and Arranger,such as Commercial-Music and Film-Music."
So cool!
Isn't it enough? or insufficient?
It's little Hard for me to write cool column more than this.Because I haven't produced "Mariah Carey",I didn't take part in "We are the world".In this situation,an Impact is most a Important thing,I guess.And I do try again!
"I was born form a Rabbit!!"