SPECIAL OTHERS profile picture


About Me

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95年、高校の同級生だったメンバーで結成。2 000年より本格的に活動開始。2003年自主でリムªãƒ¼ã‚¹ã—た「INDY-ANN」がCRJ-Tokyoで7週連続チャム¼ãƒˆã‚¤ãƒ³(歴代トップ)するなど、学生たちから 圧倒的な支持を受ける。
2004å¹´8月にNMNL RECORDSより1stミニアルバム「BEN」をリリース〠‚タワーレコード渋谷店インディーズチャームˆåˆç™»å ´1位、全国タワーレコードインディー㠂ºãƒãƒ£ãƒ¼ãƒˆåˆç™»å ´2位、タワーレコード渋谷店 総合チャート初登場8位を獲得。
05å¹´6月にBabeStarよりオリジナルセカンドミニ㠂¢ãƒ«ãƒãƒ ã€ŒUNCLE JOHN」をリリース。7月には「FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '05」FIELD OF HEAVENに出演。約4000名を動員し、大きな話題だ¨ãªã‚‹ã€‚12月に行われた大阪・東京でのワンマ ンライブも大盛況のうちに終了。06å¹´6月にVIC TORよりミニアルバム『IDOL』でメジャーデビム¥ãƒ¼ã™ã‚‹ã€‚
10月11日には自身初となるシングル『AIMS』をT OWER RECORDS限定1000枚でリリース。 即日SOLD。11月22日にはこれ又自身初となるフ㠃«ã‚¢ãƒ«ãƒãƒ ã€ŽGood morning』をリリース。 それに伴い12月1日渋谷CLUB QUATRO、12月15日には心斎橋CLUB QUATROにて ワンマンライブ『QUTIMA ver.5』を敢行。チケットはSOLD OUTの大盛況に終わる。
12月29日には幕張メッセで行われたCOUNTDOWN JAPAN 06/07に出演。 入場に規制がかかる程の盛り上がりを見せる 。07å¹´1月11日、ASIAN KANG-FU GENERATIONアリーナツアー『酔杯06/07』に5カ所 5公演参加。6月に最新ミニアルバム『STAR〠ã‚’リリースした。
Formed by highschool classmates back in '95, Special Others started its career in full swing in the year 2000. In 2003 their privately released album "INDY_ANN" had set a new record of marking 7 straight weeks on the CRJ-Tokyo hit charts and achieved overwhelming support from students and young generations.
They released their first mini album "BEN" (NMNL RECORDS) in August 2004 which marked the top of the Tower Records SHIBUYA Indies hit Charts, 2nd of the whole japan, and 8th of SHIBUYA whole charts, in its first appearance.
The second mini album "UNCLE JOHN" was released from BabeStar in June 2005, and in July they performed at "FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '05", the biggest and best known summer music festival in japan, on the FIELD OF HEAVEN stage. Their totally unique and well-mixed sound of jazz, latin, pop in jam style had collected over 4,000 audience and had made quite a splash. Soon after the continuous success of solo concerts in Osaka and Tokyo in December 2006 they major debut with the mini album "IDOL" from VICTOR.
The first single "AIMS" was released in 1,000 limited copies at Tower Records on October 11th and they were all sold out in a day.
The fisrt full-album "Good Morning" was released on Nobember 22nd, followed by solo concerts at SHIBUYA QUATRO(tokyo) - 01/Dec, and SHINSAIBASHI QUATRO(osaka) - 15/..he tickets were both sold out.
They appeared COUNTDOWN JAPAN 06-07 concert held at MAKUHARI MESSE on december 29th, and it attracted so many audience that led restricted admission.
Started off on January 11th, they joined the 5 concerts/5places of "ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION" Arena tour, "Sui-Cup 06-07".
The latest mini album "star" has released on June 6th (VICTOR).
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My Interests


Member Since: 3/16/2007
Band Website: specialothers.com/
Band Members: Ryota "TOYIN" Miyahara(drums)
Takeshi "DAYO" Yanagishita(guitar)
Yuya "SEGUN" Matayoshi(bass)
Yuma "REMI" Serizawa(keybords)

Sounds Like: Special Others Discography

â– CD
1st Album

Good morning
2006.11.22 Release
2,500yen(tax in)
tower records限定sg

2006.10.11 Release
500yen(tax in)

Debut Mini Album

06.06.07 Release
1,890yen(tax in)

試聴は コチラ から
2nd Mini Album

Uncle John
05.06.22 Release
VICB-60006/Babe Star
1,500yen(tax in)
1st Mini Album

04.08.18 Release
1,500yen(tax in)

試聴は コチラ から