GENOCIDE nippon profile picture


About Me

1979s,福井県武生市にて結成 1979s,~1980s, 地元HRバンド元SHOCKの竹内Vo,と天谷G,が B,Dr,不在のままオリジナル曲の創作と多数の㠃ãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ã¨ã®ã‚»ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³æ´»å‹•é–‹å§‹ã€‚ 1981s, 松井G,・川崎B,・西本Dr,å‚åŠ ã€‚ã‚ªãƒªã‚¸ãƒŠãƒ«æ•°æ› ²å®Œæˆã€‚本格的なライヴ活動に向けてリハー゠µãƒ«ã‚’開始。 1982s, 地元中心にライヴ活動開始。地元には(大音 量に絶えられる)ライヴハウスが無かったた め、バンドコンテスト、 野外フェス、学園祭、イベント、etc 演奏可能な場所に出現し、ライヴを繰り広げ る。 1983s, 松井に代わり、元DEFF ROCKの川上G,参加。 3曲のデモテープを2æ—¥é–“ã§éŒ²éŸ³ã™ã‚‹ã€‚æµ·å¤–ã¸å ‘けてプロモーションを開始。 1984s, 海外のHMï½¥HRãƒžã‚¬ã‚¸ãƒ³æ•°å†Šã«ã€ãƒ‡ãƒ¢ãƒ†ãƒ¼ãƒ—ãŒç´ ¹ä»‹ã•ã‚Œã€ãƒ¬ãƒ¼ãƒ™ãƒ«æ•°ç¤¾ã‚ˆã‚Šã‚ªãƒ•ã‚¡ãƒ¼ãŒå±Šãã€ ‚ 西本に代わり、元DEETHBREEDの小島Dr,参加。デム¢ãƒ†ãƒ¼ãƒ—をライヴ開場と通販にて一般販売。 1985s, アメリカのレーベル「King Klassic Records」とアルバム契約を結ぶ。 アルバムのレコーディングを開始。 1986s, 川崎に代わり、元HELLBOUND(f.金沢)の本野B,が参 加。 関西、中京、関東へのライヴツアーを開始。 1987s, 新曲の創作とライヴツアー。 初期のデモテープを、未発表曲+ライヴテイ ク入りで限定再発。 1988s, King Klassic Recordsより1stアルバム「BLACK SANCTUARY」発売。 アナログ盤、CD盤、カセットテープの全3種類 が、アメリカ、ヨーロッパにて同時リリース される。 CD盤にはボーナス・トラックとしてデモテー㠃—から"地縛霊"を収録。 1989s, 1stアルバムのプロモーション・ツアーを開始 。 1990s, 2stアルバム用の曲をデモ・レコーディング。 東京でのライヴを最後に活動休止。 1996s, 各自個別のバンドで活動していた、竹内・川 上・本野が再び集り、 オリジナル数曲を創作。竹内のバンドで活動 していた服部Dr,参加。 1997s, 地元を中心にライブ活動開始。 1998s, 大阪にて遠征復活ライブ。 1999s, DISK HEAVEN から「BLACK SANCTUARY」CDç›¤ãŒã€ç‰¹åˆ¥ä»•æ§˜ã€Œãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒŠãƒ¼ï¼†è¨³è©žä »˜ã€ã§é™å®šç™ºå£²ã€‚ 2000s, 10年振りに東京でのライヴを行う、このライ㠃´ã‹ã‚‰é–¢æ±ã«ç§»ä½ã—ている、天谷が参加。 HMマガジンKABBALAのボーナスCDに参加。「Red Castre~毒人形」をレコーディング。 2001s, SATANIC LUST RECORDSから、オフシャルブート・ライブCD「THE RITES -魔導結界-」発売。 地元・東京・大阪を中心にライブ活動。 2002s, 天谷脱退。再び4人に戻りライブ活動。初めだ¦æœ­å¹Œã«ã‚‚遠征する。 2003s, 新曲の創作とライヴ活動。 大阪のライブにて、前売りチケットの予約特 典として、同年行われた ライブ音源2曲を配布。 2004s, 再び小島Dr,が参加。 2005s, 新曲の創作とライヴ活動。 メンバーは 、竹内Vo, 川上G, 本野B, 小島Dr, 2007s 川上が脱退し、G,天谷が復活! その後、劇的なメンバーチェンジにより、B,æ Ÿ“野和昭、Dr,八幡豊 が加入 Captured Recordsより初期音源+αを収録した「The Ritual Days~邪怨転生」発売! 現在のメンバーは Vo,竹内稔浩 G,天谷一夫 B,染野和昭 Dr,八幡豊

My Interests


Member Since: 2/1/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: GENOCIDE nippon:
Biography 1979s,--2007s,:

Singer Takeuchi and guitarAmaya begin creation for composition.
A drummer and Bass guitar are not found yet.:

Guitar Matsui, Bass Kawasaki, and drummerDrums Nishimoto became a member. And originalmusic also increased: .

Since there was no live house in local, it appears in a band contest, a field festival, a school festival, an event, and the place in which an etc performance is possible, and the live is unfolded.:

Matsui secedes and guitar kawakami becomes a member. And three music for a demonstration was recorded in two days.And this demonstration tape was used for the promotion. It sent especially overseas mostly.:

,The demonstration tape was introduced to several overseas HM-HR magazines.And the offer of a contract arrived from several overseas record companies
Nishimoto secedes and Drummer Kojima becomes a member.
General sale of this demonstration tape was carried out in the live place andthe mailorder.:

We did U.S. King Klassic Records and a contract. And recording was started.:

Kawasaki secedes and Bass Motono becomes a member.
The domestic live tour to Kansai, Chukyo, and Kanto was started.:

Creation and the live tour of a new song are repeated.
Again, the demonstration tape added the unpublished music + live, and recurred bylimitation.:

1st album "BLACK SANCTUARY" sale was carried out from King Klassic Records
As for goods, LP gas, CD, and the cassette tape were released by three kinds.
"Gibakurei " was added only to CD.
When this "BLACK SANCTUARY" was put on the market, the time for two years had left.:

The promotion tour of 1st album was started.:

It is demonstration recording about the music for 2st(s).
After live tour carried out the Tokyo live of us, we stopped activity.:

Takeuchi, the upper part of a kawakami and Motono who was working in another band gathered again, and created music.
Drummer Hattori, the member of Takeuchi's band, participated.:

The live activity start was carried out from local.:

It is the expedition live in Osaka. We revived.:

Limited sale of the "BLACK SANCTUARY" CD was carried out by description and with translated words from DISK HEAVEN.
[ of special edition ]:

The live was carried out again in Tokyo.
Amaya who has emigrated to Kanto from this live participates
We participated in the Appendix CD of the HM magazine KABBALA.
And RedCastre was recorded and offered.:

Live CD "THE RITES" sale was carried out from ATANIC LUST RECORDS.:

Amaya secession
It returned to four persons again and live activity was continued.
We did the live in Sapporo.:

Creation and live activity of a new song.
Two music of live sound sources performed as a reservation privilege of an advancesaleticket in the live of Osaka in the same year is distributed.:

Hattori secedes and Drummer Kojima , participates again.:

Genocide is these four persons,:
Singer. Toshihiro Takeuchi, Guitar. Kouichi Kawakami,:
Bass. Hiroki Motono, Drums. Yasushi Kojima:

Kazuo Amaya revived again!:
CD "The Ritual Days " sale was carried out from Captured Record.:

It turns to 2nd(s) and is creation and live activity of a new song!:

2008.1.20. Tokyo

Present Genocide is these four persons. It is working!:
Singer. Toshihiro Takeuchi:
Guitar. Kazuo Amaya:
Bass. Kazuaki Someno:
Drums. Yutaka’Hachi:

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


We will inform you of the information on the live, and a new member in a few days.
Posted by GENOCIDE nippon on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 05:11:00 PST


Sound source of Dead Stok   It is possible to still buy it from this shop. Rockadrome e5c2d4f2a5c5b0b3f32d195271 BLACK SANCTUARY ...
Posted by GENOCIDE nippon on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 02:49:00 PST