"Yusuke Kamijima" is " Yorune Yolearn"
" Yorune Yolearn" is " Yusuke Kamijima", based in Tokyo,Japan.
â– Radio
/Left-handed Right Hand/ were played on"Radio Sakamoto"
â– CD
"various artists - connected dots. connected ideas
(Frozen Elephants Music/FE006)from Germany, -/Left-handed Right Hand/ 
â– mp3
The Map is not the Territory ( Free Compilation album) 2005
-/Evil Sinks Devils Stink/Frozen Elephants Music/music/FE001
â– soundtracks for film
"The Traveller" Directed by Emmanuel Migrino 2005
-/Perfect Imperfection/ 
â– sounds for perfomance
LUNA, 27th 28th Jan 2007 at Pit north/area
-/Eating the moon/