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About Me

日本語のページ : Japanese Profile
"DOUBUTSU URANAI" is the personality check by date, month and the year of birth, and you can know your own personality and very popular in japan.
Almost all people have done "DOUBUTSU URANAI".
In the personality check, just by entering the date, month and the year of birth, that person's way of thinking and activity pattern can be easily found.
My personality
「You are Yellow Pegasus, who is charming but short tempered woman. 
You posses charms and well liked personality. You tend to be rather too emotional and over reactive, in that you can cry your eye out on nothing, or be impressed by small things.

From others you look very sociable, and likes being with people. 
But inside, you are sensitive and nervous, you are extremely cautious, and are only acting to look sociable.

Nevertheless, you can easily trust people, and tend to be soft hearted. 
You should be careful not to be deceived.

 You have great talent and intelligence. You are very active person and are always busy. 
Your emotions and actions are combined and you can work on great speed. You don't let other people come near you, and therefore tend to work on your own.

 You are also able to manipulate others to help you do your work. 
Someone who can understand your sensitivity and someone who can bring out your talent like a big sister will be a great help for you.

You have too many likes and dislikes. You are temperamental tom-boy type of woman.

You possess good speculative talent, and may be able to make huge amount of money. 
Although you are not a great spender, sometimes you easily spend great amount on impulse.

You will experience grand passion when young. A lot of this type of people tends to get remarried as well. 
Health wise, you should be careful about your stomach and liver. 
Having sunshine may do you good.」
let's try to check your personality!!
I'm always thinking that ??!!!!!!
Check : English version " brainscannr " and Japanese version " 脳内メーカー "
秘=secret, 酒=alcohol
You can get the means of Japanese KANZI, moving the cursor on the Japanese brainscannr's picture.

My Interests

●To play the Electone (electronic organ), Clarinet. Electone is very fun!! When I play dance music on the Electone, I always fight, "want to dancing with this music!!! but I have to play... don't stop my hand or music will stop... I'm afraid it will be broken someday.
●Video game. I like Final Fantasy. It's a Japanese role-playing game. I have done 1 ~ 10. But don't play the game recently.....
●Cooking. Japanese recipe of home cooking is very easy and simple.
●Looking for new good tasting restaurant
●Going to an interior funishings.
●Other : F1, GUNDAM, Z, ZZ, Yoga, Running, Aromatherpy (I like a mandarin and bergamot recently), A mystery of Black hole and white hole

I'd like to meet:

A person who has even a little point in common with my profile, for example, like eating, shopping, music and all that. A person all over the world who is interested in japan or my profile. I'm not good at acting as a group, and often enjoy myself on my own, so I like a person who can enjoy being alone, or a person who carries out in quick, once they get an idea and information.
I welcome anyone especially who is crazy about their interest, favorite, hobby, work, and speak with excitement of that. Anyone who knows myself well and has own attention-grabbing !!
and the person who let me know good music !
Even if you don't have something in common with my profile, I accept your friend request. Because I may find new fun or interest from your favorite or interest which I have never known, and you also :)

Sometime I may delete friends on my friend list, who have nothing in common with my profile or myself, and moreover, haven't communicated with me for a very looooong time through blog or comment or message.


Love any music that move my heart. I listen to music that my heart want just at that moment. I can't choose!!!!

Specially that image of sound give me big inspiration
●minimal, minimal, purplish blue or purplish pink or purple color, float, minimal, techno,techno,techno, minimal, minimal, the depths of the sea, minimal, twisted, wet, techno, house, techno, voluptuous, house, naked, speed, loop, tantalize, sensuous, firm, swoon, tricky, scud, electro !!
and I love dancing with those electro sound, made me keep dancing in silence like a puppet or being gladly torture of sound.
●trance, trance, trance, trance, grand, castle, tear, dignity, the Great Wall of China, the Grand Canyon, goose bumps, trance, trance, trance !!

if you know good music, artist to which this words applies, please let me know.


Life Is Beautiful
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso [ニュー・シネマ・パラダイス]
2001: A Space Odyssey [2001年宇宙の旅]
Gattaca [ガタカ]
The Last Samurai [ラストサムライ]
Letters from Iwo Jima [硫黄島からの手紙]
Deep Blue, The Blue Planet
I don't like "Horror film" I can't see.


Documentary, News, Information, History Educational program.
for example, NHK (単なるBGMとして), ワールドビジネスサテライト etc...
Other channel is noisy for me when I'm at home.


1. Dale Carnegie : "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" 道は開ける
2. Dale Carnegie : "How to Win Friends and Influence People" 人を動かす
Though there is many books of self-enlightenment and I read, there is no books which is greater than those two books.
3. Gerald G. Jampolsky : "Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All" ゆるすということ
When I don't like myself or I'm so hard and feel that I want to give up everything, I read this book.
4. 京極夏彦 : "絡新婦の理" 他 京極堂シリーズ
5. 森 博嗣 : "すべてがFになる" 他 S&Mシリーズ
6. 宮城谷昌光 : "孟嘗君" 他 春秋戦国時代~三国志の話
7. 安部公房 [Abe Kobo] : "箱男 [The Box Man: A Novel]", "壁 [The wall]"
His work is most surrealistic in the Authors who I know and draw me his world.
8. カフカ [Franz Kafka] : "変身 [Die Verwandlung]""城 [Das Schloss]"


Heidi Klum
I don't know if it's called hero, she is my ideal. Her name is "Heidi Klum" As you maybe know about her, she is model. Her back is a tight, but never lose femininity and the moment I looked at the cover of fashion magazine with her back's photograph, I became a fan of her.
Her back is really beautiful....

Char Aznable
Char Aznable is a one of characters in a "MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM". This anime is so old, it was broadcasted on TV and movie is showed about twenty years ago. Char Aznable is the role of enemy in story, but there is many fun of him, because he has outstanding talent for a battle scene, his word has confidence and he is as good as that word. He pilot exclusive MOBILE SUIT, body color is RED and his image color is also RED . He is hiro in my innocent with my favorite color !!

My Blog

bodyscannr / S…áü«ü

bodyscannr / S…áü«üI found funny bodyscannr, it's a like brainscannr.my result is...That is the means of Japanese KANZId=red, +=purple, Ä=yellow, Ò=black, e=good health, ©=worry, Û=sore, Å=illness, Z=...
Posted by Kazue on Fri, 09 May 2008 10:10:00 PST

Tiësto @ ageHa 12/04/08 tears, a runny nose, drooling ?! ÷ã;4èÀì?!

Tiesto feat. Christian Burns / In The Dark (Dirty South Remix) Tiësto / Traffic In the last blog, I wrote"If his play is perfect as I expect, I will be dancing, sheding tears of joy...
Posted by Kazue on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:14:00 PST

To my friends who will go to ageHa this weekend / Ê1+ Tiësto @ ageHakLOËTx

Please don’t talk to me for only 3 hours of his DJ set !!!!!If his play is perfect as I expect, I will be dancing, sheding tears of joy............with a runny nose, and drooling ?! lolI hope hi...
Posted by Kazue on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:41:00 PST

Dollar Falls Below 100 Yen

Dollar Falls Below 100 Yenhowever it’s a little old news (March 13)http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008 /03/13/AR2008031300608.htmllol...
Posted by Kazue on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 02:17:00 PST

Have you ever seen

Have you ever seen "w" on japanese friends comment or chat?It's like a emotion, we sometime use on mail or message with the really good feisnds.When we talk about something to funny, sometime write "(...
Posted by Kazue on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 07:51:00 PST

Japanese popular anime "MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM" / ÃH LŒ¬óÀà

My Favorite hero is "Char Aznable"Char Aznable is a one of characters in a "MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM". This anime is so old, it was broadcasted on TV and movie is showed about twent...
Posted by Kazue on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:19:00 PST

å,ž(n×íÕ£üëÚü¸’\Š~W_I made a Japanese profile page.

a‡chÍGK‚WŒjDQŒiÁnêñ9ËLñžjngKŠkODº‚D‹hDå,žnêñ9ËnÚü¸’\cf~ W_줢¦ÈohO XgYThough it may be a foul, I made a japanese profile :PThe layout is the same as my page.å,žn×íÕ£üë...
Posted by Kazue on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 02:55:00 PST

How to make Zenzai : \“VDn\Š¹

How to make ZenzaiZenzai is a sweet Red-bean Soup with Rice Cakes. One of my friend want to eat Zenzai and I introduce how to make it on blog.Ingredients ; P™ÏAzuki beans (oz)ÏThe same suger of azki b...
Posted by Kazue on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 06:00:00 PST

Japanese New Years Card (Nengajo) : t˦

New Year's Card (Nengajo) is a card sent as a greeting for the new year. It usually has a picture of an animal appropriately corresponding with that year's sexagenary cycle (...
Posted by Kazue on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 04:47:00 PST

First Thunderbolt in 2008 - Êt n÷

I'm at my parents house.There is a lot of thunderbolt in Kanazwa as is told at my profile about me. I hate a thunderboltIt thundered just now.I spend the first day of 2008 in the big thunderbolt of an...
Posted by Kazue on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 04:30:00 PST