The magical Sampling-Pop music is created by Kyoto based DJ, Yoshitaka Morino.
He has been fascinating the youngsters in Japan since his debut.He made his debut with the release of the very limited 1st single "Season Of Young Mouss EP" on Second Royal records in April 2004 and this EP became a smash hit item immediately at many record shops in Japan.
The title tune "Season Of Young Mouss" has been played by many DJs and it is still loved as "one of the best peak-time song".Not only in Japan, HBT is also well known in Europe.
Popular Radio stations like BBC Radio 1 played "Season Of Young Mouss" on a daily basis. In Sweden, the song reached the top on Music Web Magazine's chart and many magazines picked out HBT in their magazines as the Hottest Japanese artist.In July 2005, HBT finally released the first full-length album.
Needless to say, the album was a big hit and was well praised by cristics and DJs. The album is accepted by not only Breakbeats headz, but also Indie-Pop, Hiphop and Dance music fans.
Since then, HBT's received many license deal offers from overseas.HBT Toured in Sweden with Halfby in March 2006.
All the parties were jammed with audience and sure, people went wild with his DJ play.