"Fashion City FOREVA" is a post-fashion concept label that has been resurrected by the originality and innovation of Japanese culture after its tragic death at the hands of the New Zealand fashion industry in 2005. Fashion City FOREVA may or may not be available in the future but if you ask nicely they might let you have some one-off shit. Yay!What's hot in Fashion City FOREVA?
80s ski suits/90s rap/90s dance music/80s funky-synthie hip hop/disco-punk/video cassettes/80s microwaves/egyptian cults/the KLF/fantasy art/the dark crystal/leather patchwork/gold bamboo hoop earrings/flouresent highlighters/Xtasi clothing NZ/Tokyo/being born again/having fun foreva.
How I made my profile:
I used MyWackoSpace.com 's amazing MySpace Editor .