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About Me

a Representative Director/Producer/Model/DJ
☆About J-Stream (Jhett a.k.a Yakko)☆

 J-Stream started his DJ career at clubs mainly in Tokyo, Japan in the early '90s. He experienced all the elements of the HIP HOP culture, including RAP, DJ, DANCE, and He successively won the grand prize in many contests. He forged "AQUARIUS", a team produced by his reunion with DELI, a rapper, whom he had known before. He developed his talent and became gradually caught up in creating music. Afterwards, He gained renown widely due to his outstanding performances at the underground HIP HOP scenes. He has worked on many important works in the Japanese HIP HOP, which include "NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND" (its best rank in the Oricon's hit chart was 4th), a top ranker and a treasure in the Japanese underground HIP HOP as well as its members such as DABO, S-WORD, DELI, XBS, SUIKEN, BIG Z, and also King Giddra. He has earned the trust of artists, to say nothing of listeners.  Furthermore, he was also engaged in "SUITE CHIC", a single CD projected by Namie Amuro, a diva in Asia, and produced tunes of the R&B sound for Kaname Kawabata of CHEMISTRY, AI, HI-D, MICHICO, and TSUBAKI. This emerging talent, in which a peculiar pathetic pop sense is maintained while at the same time the HIP HOP characteristics are thoroughly pursued, has been accepted with a new impression at the mass market, and has increasingly gained the popularity widely and got a lot of attention.  He is still actively doing DJ, her career's starting point, at the parties across the nation, and has established a position representing the Japanese DJ field, as he is receiving offers incessantly from such as "BIG WEDNESDAY", an event at HARLEM in Shibuya, "Tokyo City" at Camelot in Shibuya, and overseas CLUBs. His selection of tunes, which balances hardcore and pop music superbly in the same way he does in his producing work, continues to rock the floors in the country with a wide variety of music selection, including Hip-Hop, R&B, Rock, and House, etc.  And finally in '05, he made a spectacular debut as a solo artist.  With the innovative sound maneuvering skill as his weapon, which can be called "New Japanese R&B", he started JHETT from AVEX as a solo project to tackle on a "Singer's business" in full-scale, and Namie Amuro, Kumi Koda, Sowelu, and even LENA PARK, a top star in South Korea, participated in the project. This recorded marvelous sales and had a smashing success. In addition, he released MY HOOD IZ..., a RAP album, from TOSHIBA EMI, and the album is extending its sales strongly. It is certain that there may be no one but JHETT a.k.a YAKKO that has gained so much popularity in the major to underground music genres. He has already become unbeatable in Asia. Next he aims at establishing herself at the US and UK scenes!!
 '90年代初めから、東京を中心に日本各地の クラブでDJとしての活動を開始。ラップ/ダ㠃³ã‚¹ãªã©HIP HOPカルチャーのあらゆる要素を経験し、トラ ック制作に徐々に没頭してゆく。旧知のラッ パーDELIとの再会によってプロデュース・チム¼ãƒ AQUARIUSを結成し、その才能が開花。その後 のアンダーグラウンド・ヒップホップ・シー ンでの目覚ましい活躍によって、広くその名 を知らしめていく。日本が誇るアンダーグラ ウンド・ヒップホップのトップ・ランカー"NI TRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND"(オリコン最高4位)、およびその メンバーであるDABO, S-WORD, DELI, XBS, SUIKEN, BIG ZからZEEBRA率いるキングギドラに至るまで数〠…の日本語ヒップホップの重要作品を手掛け〠ãƒªã‚¹ãƒŠãƒ¼ã¯ã‚‚ã¡ã‚ã‚“ã‚¢ãƒ¼ãƒ†ã‚£ã‚¹ãƒˆãŸã¡ã‹ã‚‰çµ ¶å¤§ãªã‚‹ä¿¡é ¼ã‚’得ている。  一方、"アジアの歌姫"安室奈美恵のプロジ㠂§ã‚¯ãƒˆ"SUITE CHIC"のシングルやCHEMISTRYの川畑 要、AI、HI-D、MICHICO、椿の楽曲プロデュースだªã©R&Bä½œå“ã‚‚æ‰‹æŽ›ã‘æ¥­ç•Œã®è©±é¡Œã‚’å‘¼ã¶ã€‚å¾¹å º•çš„にHIP HOPでありながらも、同時に独特の哀愁溢れる ポップ・センスを持ち合わせたその新しい才 能は、マス・マーケットにおいても新鮮な感 動をもって受け入れられ、ますます広くその 評判を高め、熱い注目を浴びている。  また原点であるDJとしての活動も全国各地㠁®ãƒ‘ーティーで活発に行っており、渋谷HARLEM㠁§ã®å®šæœŸã‚¤ãƒ™ãƒ³ãƒˆ"BIG WEDNESDAY"や渋谷Camelot"Tokyo City"も順調にスタートさせ、プロデュース・㠃¯ãƒ¼ã‚¯åŒæ§˜ãƒãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã‚³ã‚¢ï¼ãƒãƒƒãƒ—の絶妙なバラ㠃³ã‚¹ã®é¸æ›²ã§å…¨å›½ã®ãƒ•ãƒ­ã‚¢ã‚’揺らし続けてい㠂‹ã€‚  そして'05年、ついにソロ・アーティストと して華々しくデビューを飾る。  "新しい和製R&Bとも言うべき斬新な音使㠁„を武器に、"歌もの"に本格的に取り組むソム­ãƒ»ãƒ—ロジェクトとしてAVEXよりJHETTã‚’å§‹å‹•ã—å® ‰å®¤å¥ˆç¾Žæµã€å€–田來未、Soweluから韓国トップ゠¹ã‚¿ãƒ¼ï¼LENA PARKまでが参加。驚異的なセールスを記録しだ¦å¤§æˆåŠŸã‚’åŽã‚ãŸã€‚ã¾ãŸã€å…¨å›½ã®çŒ›è€…é”ã‚’é›†çµ ã•ã›ãŸRAPアルバム/MY HOOD IZ...も東芝EMIよりリリースし好調にセールス㠂’伸ばしている。 メジャーからアンダーグラウンドまでこれほ どPROPSを得ているのはきっとJHETT a.k.a YAKKOだけだろう... もはやアジアに敵無し、次に狙うはUS・UKシム¼ãƒ³ã !!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts + Myspace Graphics

Myspace Contact Tables


"My Works"




04/07 水戸@Bubble
04/21 岡崎@Club Red
04/25 渋谷@Camelot
04/30 川崎@Club Citta
05/02 渋谷@Room
05/04 新木場@Ageha
05/12 川崎@Serbian Night
05/23 渋谷@Camelot
06/15 京都@World
06/16 伊勢崎@Club Luv
06/27 渋谷@Camelot
06/30 渋谷@O-East
07/01 横浜@Bay Hall
07/04 名古屋@Diamond Hall
07/25 渋谷@Camelot
08/18 安城@レイリオクラブ
08/19 渋谷@Vuenos
08/22 渋谷@Camelot
08/29 渋谷@Harlem






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