el sziget !!!!
- Age:
- 20 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight

- Age:
- 28 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Manila,
- Country:
- Philippines
- Status:
- Single
- Here For:
- Friends

wEnYaN LiL'mIsS sUnShInE
- Age:
- 22 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Singapore,
- Country:
- Singapore
- Ethnicity:
- Asian
- Status:
- Single
- Body:
- Average
- Here For:
- Friends, Networking

Shi, Shu han
- Age:
- 25 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Emonds Field, The Two Rivers
- Country:
- Philippines
- Ethnicity:
- Asian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Not Sure
- Body:
- Average
- Here For:
- Serious Relationships, Friends

JheriJean 808, here i come!!!! (^o^)V
- Age:
- 22 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Anchorage, Alaska
- Country:
- United States
- Ethnicity:
- Asian
- Status:
- Single
- Body:
- More to love!
- Here For:
- Friends

BinBin Too Fast Too Furious
- Age:
- 26 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Hougang, North East???
- Country:
- Singapore
- Ethnicity:
- Asian
- Status:
- Single
- Body:
- Some extra baggage
- Here For:
- Dating, Friends, Networking